Forum Discussion

Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
Sep 26, 2024

I post In Truck Campers, But My Posts All Show Up In Tow Vehicles?

I'm just wondering why all my posts are being posted to the Tow Vehicles Forum and Not In Truck Campers...

This is sort of a test post to see where this ends up being posted and trying to figure out why.

There is no Tow Vehicle Group. It's listed under Everything RV.  Who knows. This post loaded into the Truck Camper Forum just fine. Who knows?

  • When I’m looking for information on truck camping, I want everything in one place—whether it's about the truck, the camper, or how they work together. I don’t want to search through separate categories for tow vehicles or hunt for someone talking about their setup for a truck camper.

    Similarly, when I go to a Class C forum, I expect everything related to Class C motorhomes to be there. I shouldn’t have to check the tow vehicle section just because someone thinks the engine belongs in one category and the body in another.

    There’s so much information out there on different tow vehicles that it doesn’t make sense to lump them all under one label. Keeping things simple and organized by type would be a lot more useful.

    Of course that could be one reason why this forum is getting less and less use.

    But again just my opinion.

    • StirCrazy's avatar

      Photomike wrote:

      When I’m looking for information on truck camping, I want everything in one place—whether it's about the truck, the camper, or how they work together. I don’t want to search through separate categories for tow vehicles or hunt for someone talking about their setup for a truck camper.

      so what your saying is as long as it is how you want it thats the way it should be, what about the person that is looking for monitized youtube videos on how to fix their truck, or one of the other "truck posts" he has made that have no mention of a truck camper whats so ever.  how is he going to find "truck info"  If you think about it wouldnt it make sence to find truck info in the truck section?  and what about some one like me that wants to find truck camper related topics..  I go to the truck section and its just a spam fest of videos on how to fix the engin on his truck, that relates to a very very few people or videos and pictures of eating out for dinner in a restuarant for hollidays..  nothing camping related, one should be in the truck section one should be in the around the Campfire section.

      There’s so much information out there on different tow vehicles that it doesn’t make sense to lump them all under one label. Keeping things simple and organized by type would be a lot more useful.

      I think you need to read this again slowly and see what you wrote, you exactly made my point.  there IS so much truck informations why should we have to search through 12 forums to find that..  one section where you can do a search by your truck type and have all of Jeffs youtube videos pop up or if you drive a dodge or what ever..  


    • Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
      Nomad III

      Couldn't say it better myself. I basically come here for truck camper information. I expect to see TC stuff posted by TCers here, if it's moved, I will miss the post that was intended for TCers, by TCers. 

      The powers that be have other thinking and it's their forum so.....

      • StirCrazy's avatar

        Jeff, I have to humbly say that non of the posts you have made, that have been moved, are for truck campers.  they are for some one who owns a old ford truck and wants to fix it when they are having issues, which is better served in the truck section.  besides you got way more views in a shorter time there so your youtube should have beeter stats also.   

        the campground ones, post a picture or two of your camper in it or write how it is to do with campers and yes it should be here.  but just pictures of you and the wife in a resturant or at a lake with out any reference to truck campers is a regional or campground 101 type of post.  I realy enjoyed your camoer rebuild series, but when I come to look at camer stuff what do I care if some one is trying to keep a truck engine alive 20 years after I got rid of the same truck and moved on to a way beter model, yes there will be some people with a old truck like that in the camoer section but there will be a heck of a lot more people using something like that to tow.  

  • Unless the discussion is about hauling or securing your camper to the truck, the posts really do belong in the vehicle section. The work done to rebuild this F250 is a great resource for more than just the TC group.

    • Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
      Nomad III

      I appreciate the input of my esteemed friend Bedlam and others as well. In my little mind, the purpose of what I'm doing to my truck and engine, is repair it to running condition again, but also to gain more power from an engine that is underpowered for hauling the weight of a truck camper, two humans, two cats, and all the supporting supplies that go with it. My objective, is to achieve a repair with modifications that will increase the horse power enough to hold speed, 60 or 65 on the freeway in a headwind or uphill grade and to do a little better when going over mountain passes. I am comming at my posts as a truck camper or load hauler as another stated,not as a tow vehicle. If I post a camping video, it's posted from the perspective of a truck camper. Some campsites we go to  are unaccessible by tow vehicles class C's and class A's. I suppose I will simply continue to post stuff about my truck camping in truck campers and if the powers that be decide my post belongs somewhere else,  then so be it. I hope the intended TC audience finds, sees the post, but if it ends up being useful to anyone, the intended purpose is fulfilled.

    • StirCrazy's avatar

      Ithey were posts that should have been in the tow vehicle group as it was how to fix stuff on a truck and nothing to do with truck campers.  same as posts that are about capmprounds should be in a destination group not truck campers.  

      to put some clairity here this post you just did should have been in the comunity feedback forum as it has to do with what you thought was an issue with the board, maybe a mod will move it there.

  • MORSNOW's avatar
    Navigator III

    I can see your other posts, they are about your truck's engine, so a mod may have moved them to an appropriate location on the forum? 


    I'd also like to add a thank you to our truck camper mod Bedlam for sticking it out and still being one of the few left who actively help keep our forum managed! 


    • stevenal's avatar
      Nomad II

      Unless you also happen to be pulling a trailer, our trucks are not tow vehicles, they are haul vehicles. Either rename the tow vehicle group, or keep the posts here.

      • StirCrazy's avatar

        not true, I have a truck that can pull a 5th wheel or haul a camper, or two a trailer when I am hauling a camper.  if I do a post on how to change the injector pump on my truck it will be posted in the two vehicle section as that is where it will do the most good.  a truck is a truck.  now if I have a post that is spicific on to the camper, say how to add a lift to the bed to get cab clearance then it will be in the truck camper section, or if i have a post about my equalizer hitch it will be in the travel trailer section or a post about the mounts for a 5th wheel hitch it will be in the .......  I think you get it now.    

        Camper_Jeff___K  was posting in the truck camper section and the posts had nothing to do in any way to truck campers and were more of a benifit in other groups so they were moved, as it equated to spam in the truck camper group.