So, here is screenshot of what I bought on Amazon

Maygood: It seems like this is the "manufacturer" of those windows.. that are then commercialized as dometic or seitz or ... For example it seems like a Dometic S7P is actually a Maygood MG17RW. But maybe it is the other way around ... Anyway, the site I used to get more information is ecocampor.com/accessories/ and then I tried to track the model around different sites. But it looks like the MG17RW and S7P are really similar windows and the MG16RW and S5 are also really similar (the screen/blind assy seem different as weel as the way to assemble on the wall). The MG16/S5 seems also to be a good choice and is cheaper than the MG17/S7P that I ordered and also much easier to find on Amazon. But is also much more "square". I would need to replace all 4 windows on the Lance830 so it would look OK and potentiall shim more .... That will maybe be the next step if the MG17/S7P 900x500 does not work.
A couple of notes:
- The original Dometic window is actually model number AGC5830900X52040 Dometic P/N DOMC50108E. This is also known as a Dometic/Seitz C5 window. In Europe,Australia it looks like the window is still avalable 900x520 mm (sometime called a "blade"). But I have been unsuccwful to even get a quote for shipping to USA.

- The original "C5" window has aperture radius of 50mm (this is the corner radius of the opening). THe MG17RW has a 70mm radius (corners will be "flatter") so I am expecting to shim/foam fill the corners/bottom/top but if the frame covers completely the window opening, this would be great.
- 900x550 is also in the possibilities and like you said would require cutting about 1 inch larger vertical opening, Could be an option if this one fails.
This is it for now.
I will repost some picture of the success/failure of my MG17RW install around Thanksgiving when I receive it.