Hi, HenryPauli, I am sorry, I am keeping the extra window that I changed on the passenger side as a backup for the two other original windows. A lot of boondocking with that camper on my side, so I replaced the orginal windows twice (tree branches) so I am pretty sure it will happen again.
The replacement is by itself pretty straightforward. I was personnaly quite afraid of playing on anything that could potentially leak or change the frame and I was not conviced of the look, so I really looked hard everywhere to not have to do that mod.
But overall, the repair is not that difficult. the chances of messing up are minimal as you are not touching the frame or cutting any existing wall. If you want, I can try to walk through the most difficult parts through a facetime on my already modified camper (to show you on the camper the four most important portions of the repair "the removal", the "butyl tape", the "shim" and the "special brackets".) Anyway. let me know.