All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: 20 Years ago today I joined the forum Thank you for the compliment on my website. π About 16 - 17 years ago I had a rather rudimentary website up with the same content. Long story, it didn't work well and I took it down, but always wanted to redo it. This one was built with Wix, and although the format is rather basic, it functions well and serves the purpose I built it for. I spent a lot of time on it, but it was a very enjoyable project, and I've had a lot of positive feedback. I hope it helps many more people gather the nerve to tackle their own rebuilds - repairs. Re: 20 Years ago today I joined the forum Yes, the clock has ticked by in a hurry hasn't it? It IS a long time! π Re: 20 Years ago today I joined the forum Thanks for the comments, I appreciate that. Yeah, 20 years is a while. It's gone by quickly. Although there is no provision for links in our sigs, I did add my RV rebuild website there. It is not a commercial venture and the sole reason I put it up was to help other forum members in their repairs / rebuilds. If that's OK, good. If not, let me know and I will remove it. I think it would be a good idea to be able to post a link in our sig. Suitable content of course. I also think 2 lines is not enough, and as one member posted here, there needs to be a line of white space between the topic content and our sig, rather than have it just run on as it does. I try to remember to do a return and a space after I write a post. don't always remember though. Re: 20 Years ago today I joined the forum Thanks to both of you, I appreciate the comments.π And I think Uncle Bob made a mistake - it was actually Dec 12th 2003, not the 3rd. Oh well, close enough, it was 20 years ago. Mind is fading I guess. 20 Years ago today I joined the forum It was on December 3, 2003 I was getting into what turned out to be a total rebuild of a rotten old 1981 Citation TT. I was struggling to remove the toilet flange from the floor and tried searching the internet for a solution. I came across RV.Net and joined, posting the question of how to remove it. Somebody answered that it threads out of the black tank. So I got a drift and a hammer, and yes indeed it was threaded in. I have the entire rebuild documented on a website I put up. Used to be a link in my sig on RV.Net, but that went away when we became GS. I'd like to find out if I am allowed to post a link here, as it is non commercial, and the sole reason I put it up was to help others do major repairs. It's been a fun ride for 20 years, although I have not participated as much in recent years. Mainly due to some bickering and negativity amongst a small handful of regulars. OK, so I politely stepped back. I do, however, attend the site almost daily, but that too has fallen off with the transition to the new forum. I find it confusing, a challenge to find anything and difficult to navigate. I guess one day I'll get the hang of it. Practice practice... Gosh, 20 years on an RV forum! I will say this though. It has been a genuine pleasure throughout the years, I have learned a lot, and contributed back a lot. With my construction background, familiarity of RV construction and more, I have been able to answer a lot of questions posed here, many of them the same old newbie queries. Hey, we were all greenhorn newbies at one time! Further to that, I have met a number of members in person and enjoyed the interaction there. One in particular has developed into a fantastic long term friendship where we get together as 2 couples for dinners and such, and remain in constant contact every day by text. I deeply appreciate this!π So, to everyone who knows me from over the years, thank you for putting up with me! π Here's to another 20 years of RV fun.π»π₯ Re: sign in I use Firefox and have to log back in every day. Not the end of the world, but certainly a pain in the rear. Re: sign in I'm with you Don... I find it a nuisance to have to sign in every time too. OK, RV.Net was less secure, but seriously, don't hackers and crooks have better things to do than get into a bunch of "older folks" chit chat about RV related stuff? In the scheme of things nothing on the forum is life changing to others. I stayed signed in to RV.Net for months, years, until I cleared cookies or did a fresh install of my OS to clean things up. Oh well, I have the log in credentials saved so I don't have to enter it every time. It self populates for me at login. Muddled Well, here I have arrived into the new format. Got an email it was coming as I'm sure most of you did. Had to log back in, OK no problem. I am a few weeks short of 20 years on RV.Net. I set a password in December of 2003 and haven't changed it since. Took me about 8 tries but I finally remembered what I used in 2003. Good! Better write it down somewhere so in another 20 years I'll have it - HaHa! I see all the stuff I had is gone. Subscriptions to threads, all PM's, other stuff has poof - vanished. Oh well, probably needed a good purge anyways. And I further see that the forums lineup as I remember it has drastically changed. TC's in with TT's? Huh? Haven't explored too far but I suppose I'll get the hang of it eventually. And whats this Explorer thing? Anyways, hello to all my old friends here, those of you who have made the transition. I wonder how I follow a thread....π Re: Take apart signal lite switch? - Hi beam on with right turnThanks for the input. :) It's not that I can't afford a new one, for me it's the satisfaction factor of fixing something. 70 bucks for OEM is decent. I found it to be a lot more than that through some GM wholesale suppliers. I am leery of stuff on Amazon - mostly China junk. Even something labeled as genuine GM could be a ripoff part, made to look genuine. It is a big pile of work getting the thing out of there - airbag is easy, it's the rest of the stuff that has to come off just to get at the screws holding the switch on. Grit dog - "If youβre curious and have time, rip βer apart and see what you can figure out. Maybe a Wrigleys gum wrapper and a dab of JB weld can fix it. " Yeah you're speaking my language! I'll have a new OEM on hand when I take it apart. If a simple fix I can always return it.Take apart signal lite switch? - Hi beam on with right turnTruck in sig, 2007 GMC Classic: I have the most annoying issue with my signal light switch. When I flip it on to turn right, my high beams come on and of course I flash everyone in front of me. If I grab the lever, pull it towards me a bit, it stops. Totally frustrating...:M Truck has 469,000 K on the odometer, almost broke in now! This happens when the truck is cold, first started up and driving. Once the cab has been up to temperature, it typically stops. Question is for you all, has anyone tried disassembling the signal light switch? Are there screws to take it apart? I like fixing stuff instead of replacing it. I know I can buy a new one for a small fortune and just replace it, but I'd like to try fixing it. That's just how I work... I have to take the airbag out, steering wheel off, ignition switch out and more just to get at the blinkin thing. I'll likely wind up buying a new one, I know, but just thought I'd ask. What a lot of work and a total pain in the adams apple to change the switch out.
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