All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutions2003 Winnabaga Brave workhorse chasisOur RV was stored over winter in a garage. We had trickle charge on house batteries and they kept charge. Coach battery was also on trickle charge but would not start, so we used a booster (eliminator) to try and start it but nothing. The odometer said reduce engine power. Not sure what this means. We know the house battery needed to be replaced and our question is Will a new battery eliminate our problem and should we go with a Group 27 795 CCA The battery used for the coach engine was deep cycle and smaller then the Group 27. Thoughts on the deep cycle as well.Not able to start motorhomeWe were travelling home to Canada from Yuma, AZ. We stopped for over night at Superwalmart in Dickson City, PA. I went to turn on key for the mileage and there was nothing. We though that the battery was dead but when we checked it, it was fine. Tried a boost and nothing. We decided to call Good Sams and they sent a person that might have known what he was doing but did not have the tools. His fix was to bypass the ignition and did a hard start. The only problem with the first servicemans fix was a big safety issue. We had another service man come the next morning and did the same but this time a toggle switch was put in the MH. The system worked fine and got us home but now we have to determine what our real problem is. Most places don't even want to touch a MH when it comes to electricial. It looks like it could be the ignition switch not getting power. Wanted to see if any of you folks have come across a similar or same problem and how it was fixed. Our motorhome is a 2003 Winnebago BRAVE 33 ft.