All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Bubbles in antifreeze flushIn response to NRALIER, not sure about the Drain Plugs. I open the Radiator drain plus and also drain the system from the heater hose area in the front of the MH. I drain out about the same amount (8-9 ga) I put in. I'm aware that there is some residual in the block and the length of the heater hose (40+feet). But with 8 rinses, you'd think it would be done. In regards to cmeade, my MH normally has run at 180 temp. Only on hill climbs have I noticed that it will go up in temp. As I mentioned earlier, I really can't get the MH out of where it's located in order to take it out on drives. I've been steadily monitoring the temp guage to make sure that I've run it for 40+ min at normal op temp., as recommended by Cummins. As mentioned before, they seem to be in a quandary as to why to I have Bubbles? Other than it's the Restore product that is still trying to clean...obviously that needed to be flushed and they can't seem to understand why it's not flushing.Re: Bubbles in antifreeze flushcmeade, Are you saying that I should allow it to run for a longer time period over the 40 min.? I ask this, as it's difficult to try to get the rig out from where it's located at this time to take for a drive. So all I can do is run it at fast idle, about 1500rpm. I'm now on the 8th rinse, and still have the bubbles.Bubbles in antifreeze flushI've emptied my radiator antifreeze and used Fleetguard Restore following directions. I have a '99 ISC 8.3L Cummins diesel. After using the Restore product, I've flushed the system 6 times and on every occasion, it's like I've poured detergent soap into each container. It bubbles up and takes some time for it to dissolve. I've been in contact with Cummins Filtration and they are perplex. After the 4th rinse, they thought it should certainly be clear. The coolant filter is a new blank-no chemicals (WF2077) and I'm using Distilled water for my rinse/flush. I'm currently doing the 7th rinse/flush, but the bubbles (I've taken pictures, but can't attach) are just there. Can't get rid of them and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this situation. Cummins, just says 'keep on rinsing/flushing'. I should also note, that I am doing the rinse as directed...i.e., new water, heater on high, running engine for 40+ min. after reaching operating temp (180), rpm 1500. Any suggestions, ideas? Thanks,Re: Antifreeze coolant-Ethylene vs PropyleneThank you everyone for your input. I do wish it was as easy as 'looking in the manual' or 'under the hood'. Even when I took it to the Cummins dealer many years ago, they did not note 'which' antifreeze they put in *ethylene or propylene (and I didn't know any better, nor question them). Cummins, in their manual 'Tech Dept.' state that the ISC engine should use either (ethylene or propylene). I again contacted today and was advised I should switch to the OAT base antifreeze. Bottom line...I think I will probably switch to the OAT base antifreeze. I've noticed that there has been a few articles on the web showing the steps to take to accomplish this. Again, thank you to all...Antifreeze coolant-Ethylene vs PropyleneI'm preparing to change the coolant (antifreeze) in my '99 Holiday Rambler. It is a Cummings ISC 8.3L (350hp), with 70+k miles. I'm choosing to replace the fluid with SCA (currently in there), instead of switching to the OAT base. My question (what I should order), what is the difference between the Ethylene vs Propylene Base? Which one should I use? Or, how do you determine which one to use?? Under the Fleetguard Brand, it's either: cc2820 (EG Concentrate) or cc2830 (PG Concentrate) Any suggestions are appreciated. ps. I contacted the Cummins Dealership in Sacramento, CA (Cummins West). Absolutely NO HELP!Re: Fan belt adjustment on air compressor ISC 8.3Thank you for the input. I'll see what other bolts I can loosen. I've taken pictures of the set-up, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's a way for me to post them. I do appreciate the input.Fan belt adjustment on air compressor ISC 8.3I have a '99 Holiday Rambler with the Cummins ISC 8.3 diesel, with side mount radiator, so direct access to the engine compartment is great. Over the past couple of days, I've been trying to figure out how to loosen the air compressor V-Belt tension in order to replace the seems fairly straight forward on how you would do this, but still no luck. (I've taken photos, but unfortunately they won't upload to this post) It appears that the air compressor belt tension, is but together with a threaded bolt attached to the compressor frame and a 18mm nut secures this bolt; which looks like you would tighten or loosen the nut in order to create tension. I've tried repeatedly to unloosen this nut (sprayed penetrating lubricants, used breaker bar), but it just won't budge. The nut/bolt does not appear to have corrosion and the bolt threads look great. The nut does not appear to be welded or as part of the frame. My question: Am I attacking this properly? Is this nut the key to loosening the belt tension or is there something else I should do prior to? Any ideas?
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