I got all the numbers but cant figure it all out to get legal, i dont care what its capable of just need to be legal going across scales, this is not a rv but is a gooseneck type 5th wheel flatbed weighs 5600lbs on cat scales truck was 7260 ha...
my mntn air has 2 ac units and a digitol control i can set temps for, i noticed it has settings for fan speeds of auto low med high, i always thought if on auto and it kicks on it would start in high and kick back if needed, or do i need to set i...
Thank you so much mr taylor, i was feeling sick about this entire ordeal untill now knowing im safe/legal and others will be safe around me, id not wont to jepordize anyone as id like to think other drivers would not jepordize my family,mr taylor do ...
OK, loaded same dually plus a acura- dually weighs 6860-acura weighs 3120 went to cat scales=steer 4160- drive 5220-trailer axels 13500-gross 22880 hows this looking my steers under the max 4850 drives under the max 6100 im under gvwr of 960...
your dead on at 58ft, im realy amazed by loading 6860 lbs onto the trailer it only added very little to my truck but it was at the rear of the trailer and over the tri axels on the trailer, i looked at that dually and the sticker on it gvwr 10000 l...
MR TAYLOR, if this rolled across your scales would it be legal AND looking at those numbers how much would i have left to max it out, say i had that dually loaded and 3000 more in front of that?