mr taylor, you are correct id be way better off but current situation has me bound with what i have at hand now, not to say im gonna do this regaurdless because if i cant do it legaly im not leaving the house, its not worth it, i bought a slider 5th wheel this evening and it moves the pin foward about 6 inches, i hooked up and made sure turns no problems and i can still leave tailgate open when hooking up, i loaded up a truck and going to the scales in the morning to see whats what on the steer/drives/total and ill post numbers here, already know what my combo weighs empty so then ill know how much this truck weighs i loaded on the trailer, its a dualy loaded with stuff. IF this will not work ill contact ford because the f250 and 350 are same axels brakes springs housings bearings ect. thank you mr taylor