All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? FrugalFreak wrote: this is my engine More Here FrugalFreak, I followed the link to your photobucket site. Nice pics of the engine. Also looks like you are doing some major interior renovations! Were you able to remove the ceiling panels without taking the cabinets out first?Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? 79powerwagon wrote: I doubt your oil burning will have an affect on your test results. There are a million 90's Caravans around here with the Mitusbishi V6 that are notorious oil burners that look like a James Bond movie scene that regularly pass the same sort of test. And, it was 1973 (for cars) when unleaded fuels started. I can't believe you have to have a 1 ton truck tested. But since you do, go in with the fresh oil change (that morning), make sue the engine is at operating temp (drive around at least 40 minutes before the test, all in one trip, have fresh gas in the tank, and see what happens. If you fail, you'll know what you need to do (usually a tune up adjustment is all that's needed) and we can go from there. Ironically, the MH passes the emissions part of the test just fine (HC, CO, etc), but then it fails because of visible smoke. I guess in Colorado you can't get a waiver for smoke either, regardless of the cost to repair. But if it was polluting real bad, like high HC, I could spend a couple hundred bucks on repairs and if it failed again I could get a waiver. Go figure. I had a 93 Dynasty with the Mitsubishi V6 that made so much smoke I could barely see the car behind me. Passed every time. Anyway, enough about the emissions test; I have to do it so I will do what I can to fix the smoking and I will try again. Thanks everyone for the information and advice on my problems.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Leeann wrote: And seriously? Not old enough? I had the option to put leaded or unleaded in my first car...that I got when I was 20. The first year I owned the car, unleaded disappeared. Wasn't a problem for my little '81 Honda Accord, but a coworker with a 70s Ford big block was bummed. The Tioga's three years older than I am.:) I can't remember ever seeing leaded gas at a gas station since I've been driving. Maybe it was there and I don't remember.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Leeann wrote: The float could be filled with gas; happens to old ones. That would make any adjustment moot. I replaced the original carb with a rebuilt one I got from one of the major chain parts stores last summer. Supposedly it has a new float in it, but the rebuild job appears to be very poor and so I wouldn't be surprised if it was bad. I might put the old carb back on, but that one flooded too and the gas line connection was completely stripped out.:SRe: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Griff in Fairbanks wrote: You don't necessarily need to do a complete valve job. (In fact, I'd recommend against it.) Instead, you should be able to simply replace the valve stem seals without removing the heads or the valves. Use compressed air to keep the valves in place and borrow, rent, or buy one of the spring compressors that work with the head still on the engine. That way, you only have to remove the valve covers and don't risk reconditioned valves causing ring blowby. Thanks for the advice. I'm glad to hear that I don't need a complete valve job because I don't have the $$ for that this year. I'm curious though... I've heard that using unleaded gas on these old engines can be harmful to the valves. My owners manual says to use leaded gas only, so I add a lead substitute to the gas sometimes but I'm not consistent with it. I'm not old enough to even remember leaded gas - does the use of unleaded harm the engine?:hRe: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Is it difficult to repair/replace the valve stem seals? I'm an okay mechanic but I haven't done much in the way of internal engine repairs. I had the float adjusted correctly last summer and I haven't driven it much since then. Never hurts to check though.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?I worked on my flooded carb this weekend but couldn't find anything wrong with it; choke is working fine and I'm pretty confident the rest of is is adjusted right so I will check the fuel pump next. However, I am now concerned about my engine's ability to produce blue smoke. I found that if I let it idle for about 5 minutes after its warmed up and then suddenly increase the RPMs it makes a lot of blue smoke. For the smog test they do an idle test and then sudden increase to 2500 RPM and I get the smoke every time. I know I'm burning oil, but what does it sound like the problem is? Worn rings, worn valve guides, or other? It doesn't smoke driving down the road normally, only after a period of idle.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Nice job on the roof and the blinds in the overhead bunk area. It all looks really good! What did you use to coat the roof like that? Mine's still aluminum with patching compound all over the place. Thanks 79powerwagon and Leeann for suggestions on my carb problems; hopefully I will be able to look at it this weekend.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Well, the Tioga failed the emissions test today because of smoke.:M The problem I have is that after I drive it around for awhile and then shut it down, the carb gets completely flooded after about 5 minutes. So when I go to the emissions place it takes them 5 or 10 minutes to hook up the equipment, and it won't start unless I hold the gas pedal to the floor while its cranking, and then it makes a huge cloud of black smoke when it starts. Does anyone know what might be causing the flooding? I replaced the original carb with a rebuilt one last year (the original had the same problem). The carb does not stay flooded after the engine is running; it only floods after I shut it down. The carb is a Holley 2210 2bbl.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? overdrive75 wrote: Tioga76, nice looking MH. How does that thing do climing the grades out there in Colorado with the 360? I have a similiar size MH, and the wife wants to visit her friend in Idaho this summer. So it would be a long run from MI to Idaho Falls. We are trying to decide weather or not to tow the Jeep with us. I am not to sure of the power to climb the hills out there though. Going west out of Denver on I-70 I keep it in second gear up the big grades and I can do about 40 mph without pushing it really hard. I feel like the MH has just enough power as-is that it doesn't struggle too bad, but I don't know if I would try to tow anything with it. ALnCORY wrote: Nice looking Tioga, Tioga76. My brother lives in Englewood. I plan on making a run out to see him in my old dodge one of these days and do some camping along the way. Lots of great camping out here in the mountain west. If you have time try to get a spot at the Moraine Park campground up in Rocky Mountain National Park. Wonderful views up there! FrugalFreak wrote: Beautiful Rig Tioga76! I wish mine had been yellow themed outside instead of just Poop brown. my inside is yellow on seats at least. Wanna trade You can have my burnt orange swivel chairs if you want.:)