All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: 2015 Ram Cummins Fuel RestrictionI have a utility bed on a 5500 with a 12' cab over camper on back. My weight is 18000 and under my gvw. No problems for 10k till now. The bed mounts had issues and had to be re-done. Thus the bed and tank had to be removed and reinstalled. I was in boonies when lost first cap. A mechanic at dealer claimed cap didn't matter. I found drain petcock on first fuel filter loose too.Re: 2015 Ram Cummins Fuel RestrictionSteel tank.2015 Ram Cummins Fuel RestrictionI've been having intermittent fuel starving issues with my truck. When It first showed up it was cold, 0, and I assumed gelled fuel. We were just headed south. We barely got to a dealer, they replaced the two filters for $285! Ouch. Was way good for a couple hundred miles and then started again. 3 weeks later and we have been in S NV and it's been warm here. I've put fuel cleaner in it. Last time it happened it was below a1/4 tank so keeping fuel tank fuller. Happened yesterday pulling over a pass. Sudden loss of power, fuel restriction warning light on, engine oil starts heating up. Let up a little on throttle and little ways you can feel it get more power and it was better. Warning light still on though. Only happens under big load. Possible issues; long story but we had tank removed and reinstalled right before we left. I spoke with shop and they don't see how they could of caused it. I also have fuel cap for a gas tank,not diesel, though that has been like that for months. I'm really stumped, searched the web and not finding anything. Thanks in advance.Re: Dometic fridge 2852 fails to relight.I'm thinking it was/is a propane issue. Was out of gas this am. Lit right up on new tank. My DC is way solid. I'm going to add vacuuming fridge/firebox to my maintence schedule. All other appliances have been working great but I can seethe fridge may be more sensitive to pressure issues. I'm beginning to suspect my 1.5 year old regulator... The main burner on stove has yellow tipped flames on high. We are in the desert and it's been hot, so fridge runs all day till middle of night. I'll see what happens tomorrow. Thanks for the great responses and for moving the thread to appropriate forum!Dometic fridge 2852 fails to relight.This topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 28759668Dometic fridge 2852 fails to relight.Our fridge is working fine until it cycles off at night and then it doesn't re-light. If you cycle it on 1 to numerous times it starts and runs fine till next night. I cleaned around the fire box. I'm wondering if there is a relay or solinoid or something causing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!Re: Truck for Eagle Cap 1165?Ordered a Ram 5500 w/ 84" cab to axle and working w/ a local upfitter to have a Knaphiede bed custom for the camper. I appreciate the online help and for people reaching out to me. It's a great community!Re: Truck for Eagle Cap 1165? 805gregg wrote: Why not buy a house moving truck, that's what you need with that monster, nice for camping but won't be fun down the road, it's a truck camper not a house on wheels Their was a time when all I needed was a small pack and my thumb to travel the world. I looked down on anyone who needed more then that. Now, when we are living months in the camper, things look different. But thanks for the input!Re: Truck for Eagle Cap 1165?Anybody seen these? It might work well on a cab/ chassis. Truck for Eagle Cap 1165?Talked w/ local dealer today about getting a F450 w/ box and non-detuned motor and dropping box for custom flatbed. He thought box was only few hundred bucks difference. He also mentioned how hard it is to come up w/ real payload numbers off of factory provided numbers. Also said only get 4.33 gears and "6.7 a good motor". He can not order 550's. My center of gravity is 8" behind my axle on a 8' foot box. I've been wondering what a longer wheelbase does for turning? Somewhere on a Dodge page I found some turning radius numbers but lost them.
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