All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsMembership Cancelled - Still Waiting on RefundIn March of this year we sold our RV and cancelled our Good Sam Membership including the Emergency Roadside Assistance. At that time we were advised that a refund of $173.31 would be issued for the unused portion of our membership fee. It has now been over ten weeks and we have yet to receive a penny of the refund despite being told on two separate occasions that the credit had been already issued back to our credit card. This morning I was told that a request for a "check" was issued ten days ago after my last phone call but the amount was significantly less than what we were originally advised we were due. So far no one has been able to adequately explain why it has taken this long to receive our refund much less explain the discrepancy in the amounts. The standard answer I seem to get is we should receive the refund in approximately two weeks. Two weeks has already turned into 10+ weeks and counting. I would love to put this issue to rest once and for all.Re: aqua hotx4 on giving the valves a good whack. Have had this happen twice over the past three years and one tap solved the problem. Will take longer to take the cover off than anything else.Re: To buy a dash camera or notPurchased a HD720P HD DVR dash cam over a year ago for under $80. Takes a SD memory card (purchased separately). Small price to pay for the added insurance just in case of an accident. Too many close calls from people cutting me off when changing lanes.Re: Hot Water Heater ProblemHad a similar problem a few years ago on our Fleetwood Providence. Turned out it was the outside shower. Even though the shower was off the hot and cold handles were open and thus mixing to provide only warm water. Has happened a second time when someone left the inside shower head "stop" button pushed with the water valve still on. Again hot and cold mixed to provide only warm water everywhere else in the RV. Hope this is all that is wrong with your water heater.Re: Black Tank Cleaning - Suggestions PleaseFor those of you who are interested I have solved my tank sensor issues (at least for now) using a combination of the GEO method and rinsing with hot water as I previously posted. The combination of using the Dawn and Calgon plus filling the tank with hot water and letting it sit for 6-8 hours made an immediate difference. For the first time in over 2 years the tank monitor read Empty when dumped. The only problem I am having now is that it seems to go from "Empty" to "2/3" after only a few flushes. I think this is due to the location of the sensors on the exterior of the tank and will be relocating them shortly to see if this corrects this issue. On note for those of you with similar model RV's. During this process I found out that the sink in the half bath was actually attached to the black tank rather than the grey. This makes filling the tank with hot water much easier. I still, however, will use the SaniFlush after each dump because of the spray action.Re: National General Assurance Co (GMAC) Renewal - NOT! djgarcia wrote: Give Good Sam a call for an insurance quote for your rigs. I already tried that. The very next day I called Good Sam and had another agent review the original quote hoping that there had been some sort of mistake. I was told the information was correct. Also, the first agent provided additional quotes from Progressive as well as Allied (Nationwide) with lower premiums but with major changes in coverage, i.e. no replacement coverage, higher deductibles, etc. I felt like he was playing game with me hoping I would not notice the differences in coverage.National General Assurance Co (GMAC) Renewal - NOT!A few days ago I received my renewal notice for my RV/Toad insurance which we have had since purchasing our current RV. My wife and I are full time RVers and are registered in South Dakota. Since we are both retired and nearing the age for being eligible for Medicare we began looking at possibly changing our residency to Florida where we spend the majority of our time during the year. I contacted National General and was turned over to their "sales" representative for a quote on Florida coverage. Other than the minimal changes in coverage as mandated by state regulations I was given a quote that literally took my breath away! Current annual premium on both the car and RV if renewed and residency remained in SD would be $2,156. Note here that this would be a 19.8% increase over my 2012 rate with no claims, no violations, etc. Should I choose to change to Florida residency the new premium would be $8,020.94. If my calculations are correct this would be an increase of 372%. Obviously National General has no interest in writing insurance in the state of Florida or keeping my business! The fact that they would even provide such a ridiculous quote has made me decide to look elsewhere for coverage regardless where we decide to settle down. So far I have been able to find comparable coverage for the RV for less than a third of their quote. Still receiving quotes for the toad since very few companies are able to write a true Fulltime Coverage policy which covers both the RV and auto. Nothing has been locked in yet so anybody with similar experience with insurance in Florida that would care to share some recommendations I would greatly appreciate your input.Re: I was a patient man with my gas detectors but not anymore.Had a similar problem last year with the propane detector after having the carpets in the RV cleaned. Apparently the fumes from the carpet cleaner set it off and after that it would not reset without going off. Isn't it strange how these things usually only go off in the middle of the night?Re: Thetford TECMA toiletWe have two Thetford TECMA toilets in our RV which is almost 3 years old now. Only once or twice that I can remember that the red "Full" light has stayed on after emptying tanks. One or two times flushing out the tanks has always resolved the problem. In fact, over the three years the toilet sensors have worked wit 99% accuracy while the Black tank monitor systems works about 5% of the time. Based on testing on our coach there is about 8-10 gallons of extra capacity in the black tank even after the sensors say it is full so don't worry about overriding the system a couple of times before dumping. Would not push it much more than that just in case your sensor locations are closer to the top of the tank.Re: Outdoor resorts - VA BeachStayed there about 5 years ago when we first started RVing. Very nice park but from what I remember the bugs were so bad you could not stay outside your coach from early dusk to dawn.