All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Dinette slide out works only sometimes? Tequila wrote: It does not hurt to double up on the ground Great idea actually!Re: TV Mount 2012Coleman wrote: Easily determined using a stud finder. Agreed, I literally just did this project in my trailer. I originally intended on doing a custom backboard on the wall, with many screws, then attach the tv mount to the board. I went through the process of fabricating the backboard, sanding and staining, then when I came out to the garage the next day, I determined I was not sold on installing it, and thought it wouldn't look good. So, grabbed my studfinder and sure enough found some(albeit narrow), studs. 2 screws on top one in center bottom of my mount worked perfectly. Note I did only install a 22" LCDTV, so, it's quite light. I plan on upgrading to a 32"+ next season and putting the 22" in the bedroom. So I'll definitely be reconsidering the strength of these 3 - 1" screws on a narrow stud when I install something larger. I was thinking, maybe one of those ;Quake Straps; attached to the back of the tv, then attached under the overhead cabinet? Hmmm, might not look too tacky and might provide enough support for a heavier tv, using the existing bracket.Re: Dinette slide out works only sometimes?I know it's been a long time since I posted this question, but I thought I'd come back and post my resolution, since I have since fixed this. RedRocket204 definitely had it right, a foul ground. I pulled out the voltmeter and checked all the leads, everything came up find that I checked, output wise, of 12-13V, when I had the ground test lead attached to metal on the trailer. When I had the ground lead attached to the actual ground wire that came from the slide switch, I had no current. I followed the ground lead through the cabin and out the bottom, followed it about 3 feet along the frame under neath and found it screwed to the frame with a glob of silicone sealant. S****ed the silicone off, pulled the screw out. Then tapped a new screw into a new spot on the frame with the ground lead, and voila! I had current when testing, and slide out works perfectly. Re-sealed the new grounded spot with silicone and case closed. Thanks for the help!Re: Dinette slide out works only sometimes? nomad297 wrote: Pictures are too big. Makes text too small. I can't participate here. Sorry. Bruce Note taken for future reference, thanks.Re: WD Hitch, Still a large amount of sway occasionally... help T3rry1 wrote: is there an option for the sway control on this setup? i didn't think there was since it was theoretically supposed to be built in, that's why i got this one to start with. Looking at the stock photo you posted of your WD hitch, yes, there is, you can see to the right and left of your hitch ball, there are two more holes, where the smaller, friction sway control ball would screw into, then the sway control would hook onto an identical ball that would be drilled in horizontally to the side of the trailer frame. Exactly how i have it set up. Might be a cheap resolution for you. The one piece of advice I can give when using friction sway control, is once you get off the highway, pull over and disengage/losen the sway control, otherwise it makes a loud metalic grinding noise during those tight secondary road turns! Freaked me out at first. HahRe: Dinette slide out works only sometimes? RedRocket204 wrote: Per my instance, my slide switch is right next to the TT door. When I traced out the wiring (this was difficult as the wiring is in the wall) I found the wiring went to and through the floor under the TT. The +12v went to the battery however, the ground connected to my TT frame right near the fold up steps. Good luck and let us know if you get the issue resolved. Will definitely re-trace the wiring! The green/yellow were easy to trace from the switch, through the wall, under the fridge, to under the trailer and to motor. The 12V and Ground, I seemed to have lost somewhere, so I'll put my investigator hat on again and find that ground!Re: Dinette slide out works only sometimes? RedRocket204 wrote: I had exactly the same issue you are describing. Turned out to be a fouled ground in my case... which only required removing the bolt, cleaning/greasing and then securing the bolt/ground. Now it works every time :YEAH!: Here is a bit more detail on what I did to track down the issue: Intermittent Slide Issues Keep in mind I didn't start the thread but commented in it on what I did. I dealt with this issue for multiple years before I put my head down and committed to fixing it. Excellent, thanks! First chance I get, I'll track down the ground wire. Per your response to that post, my issue seems exactly the same, inconsistent, no 'clicking' when it doesn't work, etc. I'm just trying to think without looking at the trailer where the faulty ground may be, best guess would be near the battery by that junction box where i saw some corrosion. The green & yellow wires you see in my photo go directly to my slide switch in the interior of the trailer with only splices at the motor there in the pic, and behind the switch itself, which I checked as good. Thanks again I'll troubleshoot this soon.Re: TV Mount pconroy328 wrote: Those are some beefy screws. I just mounted two 19" LED TVs and they are light. I doubt you *need* that kind of holding power. In any event, what I did was to not even risk it. I mounted the, um, mount to a 3/4" thick and about 5" wide board stained to match the cabinet. Then I mounted that board to the wall using several and smaller screws. I even considered a little liquid nails but in the end, it's secured solidly with just the screws. And I have smaller holes in the motorhome wall. This is a good idea ^^ I came to this thread seeing how you guys resolved this. I have a blank wall above a base cabinet, below a wall cabinet, that only has my thermostat on the far end of it. Perfect space to hang a tv up to 32" i think. It's an interior wall, the other side of the wall is the bathtub/shower. My question is, how thick are interior walls, typically? I will most likely use the above idea to have a nice wall board stained to match(or just black), with multiple screws going into the wall, just need to figure how long I need my screws to be.Re: WD Hitch, Still a large amount of sway occasionally... helpI bought a similar weight distribution hitch, but decided, after spending $250 for the hitch, I might as well spend the extra $40 for the friction sway control. My suggestion would be to do the same. I pull a 31ft 4,700lb trailer with my F150.Re: Dinette slide out works only sometimes?P.S. Here's photos of slide-out, and motor underneath:
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