All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsJ D Power RV values questionWe are selling our 2013 Phoenix Cruiser 2350 with slide and are experiencing difficulty determining what it is worth. Since Phoenix Cruiser back in 2013 was factory direct only and was still owned by the employees, they made only about 100 units a year and probably 90 of those were custom ordered. SO, very few reliable comps are available. Our rig is loaded with all the goodies, always kept garaged when in not in use and low mileage. JD Power reflects a pricing that seems reasonable to me, but I have had zero experience with their values and therefore my question: Have other owners found JD Power values to be reasonably on target?Re: Roadside AssistanceI have Good Sam roadside and they had to tow my Roadtrek one time. I have a full spare but also carry a good small air compressor capable of inflating a truck tire and a can of tire inflator leak stopper (truck size from Walmart). I have only had one tire issue on the road in the sixteen years since we bought the Roadtrek.Re: 1986 Dodge B350 FALCON VanSalsapants, I bought a new 1984 Intervec Horizon on a Dodge chassis. The Horizon was the kid brother to the Falcon. Horizons were on a 3/4 ton chassis and the Falcons were on a one ton chassis and a couple of feet longer. Intervec closed in the late 1990s and the people that had designed and built the Horizons and Falcons opened a plant and built Class C motorhomes named Phoenix Cruiser. We own a Phoenix Cruiser and it is very remindful to me of our old Intervec Horizon. Same designers and builders. I was cleaning out old files a couple of years ago and came across the original sales brochure for the Horizon and Falcons when we bought ours. They changed little over the years. If you will pm me and give me an email address I will send you a pdf of the brochure. You can find out a lot about your rig in that brochure because it lists a lot of capacities, specs, etc.Re: Stove coverWhen I fabricate something like this I usually cut out the form on some 1/8 inch Masonite to make sure of the fit and then use the Masonite as a template for the fabrication of the final product. This allows my usual errors in judgement or measurement to be corrected with only a buck or two invested in the Masonite.Re: Continental spare tire holderSeveral years ago on this B forum, a guy in New England addressed the same problem. He designed, built and sold an add on kit that provided the necessary lift for the spare. You might search the forum archives and find some information, but I think it was probably ten years or so ago. Also, I thought later model RTs with the continental kit were equipped from the factory with a similar device, but my memory may be wrong. I am still comfortable raising ours manually and I wouldn't give up the storage space for anything. Our RT has twin beds and the available storage space is really large. No spare in the back for me. WHOOPS! After posting the above I got curious and found an old blog post that talks about the lift and the guy that made and sold them. Past tense. Apparently he went out of business a few years ago and McAfee Security alerted me to that the old business website was now very unsecure. Maybe someone has an idea where you might get something?Re: Looking for twin beds with night stand and 2 drawersWe had a 96 Roadtrek 190 with the layout like yours. We loved it and ordered a 2007 Roadtrek 210P with the same layout. In 2007, most of the new RTs had an electric couch across the back that made into a bed. We special ordered ours built with the "old style" twin beds with the two drawers between the twins. I believe that was also the first year that you could option a five cubic foot refrigerator. For our use, we have never seen a better layout and that is the reason we still have that baby. I suspect we will keep it for as long as age and health allows us to have a rv. Fortunately, we can store ours inside a HVAC controlled garage at our home and it is always ready to go. The inside storage has kept it in pristine, like new condition. Other than the older RTs, I don't know of another B layed out like your 2001. We also, by the way, would hate to give up that Chevy chassis and 6L motor.Re: Help with malfunctioning automatic RV step.I had the same problem and it was the pushbutton switch in the door, nothing wrong with the step itself. That is a common place and an easy check to make. My two connections on the switch were a bit corroded and I simply cleaned them and lubricated the plunger. Also, often if you have the common push button mounted door switch like mine, the problem can be solved by simply rotating the push button with your fingers. Sometimes a slightly corroded connection just needs a little help. I twist mine a few turns every few months when I think about it just to prevent the problem.Re: Replace ac in Roadtrek VanCindy, make sure your generator has the capacity to run the AC unit you select. Sometimes, those power outputs can be a bit misleading. When an AC kicks on it uses surge power which is greater than the power it uses during normal operation. Otherwise, since I see that like me you live in a hot part of the country, the larger the unit the better. Enjoy your Roadtrek 170. I almost bought one back in the nineties and still think they are really neat and practical. Roadtrek put a lot of thought into the 170 back then and there aren't too many Bs on the smaller chassis which is a market that has always appealed to me because how much easier it is to park, maneuver and drive.Re: Thinking About Winter StorageFirst of all, I am fortunate to have indoor storage available for our Roadtrek. For winter, here is what I do beyond winterizing. 1. Keep the gas tank full. Probably not necessary these days, but old dogs don't relearn their tricks. 2. Use a simple battery cutoff switch on coach and chassis batteries. Here is what I use: You can buy them at Walmart or most places for under ten bucks. Make sure the batteries are fully charged before storage. In northern climes, some prefer to remove the batteries and store them inside a garage. 3. I drive my RT about sixty miles once a month for all the reasons others have mentioned. I fire up the generator and put it under a good load (the RT has a heat pump so I just set the thermostat sky high, crack the back windows and use that for a load. 4. I fill back up with gas before putting it back in storage. I feel that it is imperative to run the generator for at least an hour and some manuals suggest two hours every month as a minimum. 5. Other than that, I protect it like I would any vehicle.Re: Top 15 Dislikes of my B-Class Thor Tellaro / SequenceEvery time I see, hear or read something like this I wonder how many of those record busting B sales during the COVID months will be "For Sale" when this pandemic is over or at least abated. Newbies (of course, I don't know that the OP is in fact a newbie) are going to discover any A, B or C is not like buying a vehicle from an auto dealer and that the inherent quirks and defects are many. No, they shouldn't exist in the first place but they do and I suspect with all the demand on the industry that new design and quality of workmanship problems will be quite common. Unfortunately.
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