All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Tow Dolly - OpinionsI have a Master Tow with surge brakes and Bearing Buddies on the wheels. I have used it for 6 years and approx.30,000 miles with no problems except tires, and that was my own fault. Tip: keep the tires inflated to maximum pressure to prevent "cupping" of the threads.Class B+ questionThis topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 27449308Class B+ questionI have started shopping for a Class B+ and it seems that the 2 most popular chassis are the Sprinter/diesel and the Ford/V10. I would like to hear pros and cons about both. I plan to do some mountain driving but I would not be towing anything.Re: What did you do to your Class A MH today???Replaced seal on rear roof a/c. Unloaded summer "camping stuff" to make room for winter "living stuff".Re: What did you do to your Class A MH today???Tried to find the cause of the leak from the rear A/C during heavy rains this past weekend. Tightened the mounting bolts and added some sealant. Will have to wait and see if that fixes it. Also polished the exhaust extension (can't stand a dinghy chrome stack).Re: What did you do to your Class A MH today???Replaced the coolant resovoir tank on my 03 Gulf Stream DP. The old one developed a pin hole leak last week. Not too bad of a job...about 90 minutes. Paying $250 for the new tank from Freightliner kinda hurt.