All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Hitting the road tonyandkaren wrote: Congratulations! Where are you heading first? We are probably going to head west toward Phoenix to visit our son. BH has talked about it for awhile,and we all know who's the boss.Re: Hitting the roadA post script to this is, today I turn 76, and as a 3 time survivor of the "BIG C" I am enjoying life he has dealt me.Hitting the roadWell, we are going to do what we have talked about for years. We are going full timing. We will close on our beautiful Florida abode, and climb into our 40ft. motor home and go when and where we want. Reading the "Full-time" thread in the forum will be a benefit to our venture, and we may add some advice of our own after a few weeks, months, and miles. With "the good Lord willin and the creek don't rise" you may see our gang somewhere. You will recognize us by our two dashboard pilots, a miniature dachshund, and a miniature yorkie pointing the way.Re: F-53 suspension sagging on passenger sideWe own a Winnebago Adventurer 37F with the driver side slide full length. It also has the 4 door "refer", washer/dryer, generator, and a pantry that BH seems to over-fill. On level ground, it has a noticeable sag towards the driver side. Weight distribution goes out the window with Winnebago Ind.. Guess the spacer blocks will be installed. As a former tool maker, a piece of cake, except "U bolts" may present a problem.Motorhome keysMy BH and I have had a running joke about not finding something and looking for it. I wanted to move our coach the other day . I looked all over for my keys for pretty much the whole day. I gave up and figured I would retrace my paths later. The running joke is, if you can't find it, the last place to look is in the refrigerator. Got hungry and figured I would make a grilled cheese sandwich. Opened the cheese drawer and there were my keys, inside the cheese drawer. Perhaps it's no longer a joke nowRe: Advice on theft and real world realitiesWe stopped at a Cracker Barrel in Bradenton, Florida for breakfast and as always lock both deadbolt, and door locks. After eating, returned to find the bedroom slide was out. Deadbolt was no locked but door lock was. When we went in, it was obvious, we were burglarized. Money, jewelry, and computer were taken. Police arrived and informed us that this has occurred before there. Bottom line here is that it can and does happen. It happened to us, and we had to have the deadbolt replaced. It was damaged.Re: Electrical toiletI contacted Tetford and they instructed me to find the sensor WIRES and peel the sensors off the tank.I did that and can now flush but the red light is still on. One interesting thing is if the sensors are bad, why when the connectors are disconnected does the full tank red light stay on. It flushes but am curious as to why if no power is going to the sensors what is powering the red light.Re: Electrical toiletI have been able to flush by following the manual, but now the red light stays on and no blue lights when pushing both, just stay red. I have a flush valve and I have a wand and use them both when I clean my tank, but that isn't getting the job done.Electrical toiletI am the proud owner of a Thetford Tecma electric toilet that hasn't worked properly since I have had it. The red light comes on and indicates a full tank, even after dumping. After refilling and cleaning and flushing the system goes back to blue and works. Now it stays red and won't flush at all. Contacted Thetford and was told that a piece of paper is on the sensor and flushing it will correct the problem. NOT!!!!!! Is their a way to bypass the switch sensor panel and or jumper out the sensor,s on the black water tank for those sensor,s so toilet can be used?Re: Changes over the years?The price has increased and the quality of the product, as well as the service has went down hill. Pride in production has been lost to "time is money" thinking.
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