All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsCARB smog testing motorhomes Every 4months by 2024This topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 30360577CARB smog testing motorhomes Every 4months by 2024 You guys see this? In two years motorhomes will need to be smog tested 4 times a year in California?Re: Using Side/Rear Cameras for SecurityI'm not new to Rv and camping, have had one rig or another for 35 year and not generally paranoid but a place we boondock and ride our Atv's and have for the last 25 years seems to be not as safe as once was. A girl was shot out there a few weeks back. Just figured it would be a stealthy way to peek around the rig at night when things go bump.Using Side/Rear Cameras for SecurityHas anyone tied into their cameras for security when parked. It would be nice to see if someone is around the motorhome without turning on the signals or putting it in reverse.Ready Brute brake cable routing FiestaHi all, I just had my 2017 Ford Fiesta set up to be towed 4 down using the Ready Brute towbar. Seemed like a simple solution for towing a light car. I had the install done at our local Rv dealer. I got the car towed home and noticed the brake cable doesn't return completely and is causing the brake lights on the car to be on. I don't think its pulling enough to actually apply the brakes but is not right regardless. The car is going back later in the week to probably have the cable rerouted. It's super tight in there and I think the cable needs to be more straight than it is routed. Is anybody using this towbar with a fiesta or a focus and have a pic or suggestions on how they routed the cable?Re: Used class a prices on rvtraderThis goes contrary to what I've read here but we looked for almost a year and ended up going new. Every dealer we looked at were selling new units for at least 20% below list price. Every used unit we looked at were basing their asking price off of the MSRP. I couldn't find anything cheaper used unless I started going 8 to 9 years old. We were looking at gas rigs so maybe the pushers were different Winnebago Vista 32YE $92K.Re: Relocating the 50amp power cordWell that settles it, thanks for the replies. My favorite thing is to go at the new rig with either a saw or a drill while the wife watches in horror. "It's ok honey, it's only new till it drives off the lot":)Re: Relocating the 50amp power cord chuckftboy wrote: I see no issue with cutting the cord and putting ends on it. Extension cords have ends replaced every day with no issues. You might also install a twist lock receptacle in the wet bay and just use a cord with a twist lock end. a lot of coaches are setup this way. Probably be what I end up doing. Most of these are 30amp units and the cord is so much smaller it's probably not as much an issue but that 50amp anaconda is for sure a pain and I will end up with a busted crapper drain or something.Re: Relocating the 50amp power cord timmac wrote: I would not cut the cord that would be a bad idea, is there a storage compartment right next to the wet bay, if so you can cut a hole thru to next storage and run the cord there for storage but don't cut the cord. Nope generator is in the bay next to it and the other one is pretty far away in front of the rear wheels.Relocating the 50amp power cordI have a 2018 Winnebago Vista 32YE. I love the coach except for the location of the power cord. It's in the wet bay and barely fits and is a fiddle to get in after use. It's also tight up against all the dump plumbing. Something is going to get broken eventually. My thought was to cut the cord put ends on it like an extension cord and store it in another bay. Anybody seen or done it?