All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsHydro Hot Stir PumpI have a Model HHE-500-07M Hydro Hot in my 03 Mountain Aire. We have noticed for a couple of weeks that when showering with the diesel burner on, that we run out of hot water. The following lights have been green: Elec. Heating Element, Hydro Hot Heating Status, Low Temp Cutoff Status, and the Diesel Burner Status. The Stir Pump light is NOT light and the stir pump is NOT running. I have taken a jumper wire from the black wire of the stir pump and jumped it to the Cabinet and the Stir Pump works. For the last couple of showers, I have jumped it to activate the Stir Pump while showering and we have had plenty of hot water. What activates the electronic controller to turn on the Stir pump? Could it be a bad thermostat, or, is the controller possibly bad? Thanks for any help. TClark39