All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Engine and coach Battery Disconnect Switches ArchHoagland wrote: Here ya go Chief: Battery disconnect Works every time.... From an old ETN2 thanks I was trying to use what was already installed. Its a thought but i would prob just pull the negative terminal as little as i need to do this.Re: Engine and coach Battery Disconnect Switches RLS7201 wrote: Try unplugging shore power and see if you can disconnect your batteries. Richard it wasEngine and coach Battery Disconnect Switchesok so I have 2 switches on my pannel for Batt disconnect and they have a red light indicating they are on, switches are spring loaded to the center position, when i hold them to off nothing happens light stays on, batt voltage indicator shows full. is there a certain process to follow ?my book doesnt address it only mentions the switch for storage.Re: Back up camera no signalFound the problem, it was a rodent that chewed the cable in half. Which i could post the pics i took. I found turds on top of the engine batteries aperantly that was a nice warm place to hang out. I am so thankful that was all that it chewed. As a note is was the only thing not inside the plastic wire loom, glad i had my soldering gun on board, was able to remove the damage section and soldier the 7 small wire back together. Checks good. Side note removing the cable enough to repair and getting it routed back though the same area was the hardest part.Re: Back up camera no signalUpdate: pulled the camera out didnt notice anything odd. [img] [/img]Back up camera no signalHaving a signal loss on display. Worked fine when i parked 6 weeks later nothing. Check conections inside coach. Guess the next step will be looking at the camera itself any ideas? Posting pics with info. Re: Fuel Pressure Delivery Warning and Check engine lightUpdate, I got my new filters today. One thing I wanted to mention was I filled up again after this started and drove 100 miles to my current location, after arriving here at idle and driving around at less than 10 mph it has not happened again. Could it have been some bad fuel from the prior stop that has worked its way through the system? I guess for piece of mind I will change the secondary and go from there. I did drain the primary for a good few minutes at the first issue and again at fill up and again after arriving here. Thanks for all the info...Re: Fuel Pressure Delivery Warning and Check engine light ILVMYGT wrote: Did they change both filters? If not not get the primary filter changed. It if is plugged it will not flow. I would get the CAT 1R-0751 installed ASAP. CATs don't like dirty fuel. The C7 uses HEUI (Hydraulic/Electronic Unit Injector) system. I would google it and read about it. This is a very complicated system. It used engine oil to inject the fuel. Dirty or old engine oil can cause issues. The HEUI increases the oil pressure in the pump from 500 to 3600 PSI depending load. That oil is use in the injector to push the "intensifier piston" to inject fuel. The intensifier piston is a 7 to 1 ratio. So fuel going into the injector at 1000PSI gets injected in to then cylinder at 7000PSI. There is a lot of wear and tear on the oil. Clean fuel and oil are you friends. Yes Sir they changed both filters and the oil at that visit.Re: Maximum Tire PressureI was running 100 psi in mine because that what the previous owner suggested, I needed a front end alignment and Redlands Truck and RV also weights each wheel and axle individually and gives you a print out, they recommended 90 psi and adjusted them accordingly. WOW what a difference so much smoother !!Re: Fuel Pressure Delivery Warning and Check engine lightThanks Lawrosa, but my engine is a 2006 C7 so from your quotes (which I cant re-quote) how much if any of this information would pertain?
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