All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Why buy out of CaliforniaI can give you so many reasons to purchase out of state. Some times I really have to wonder why anyone would ever consider purchasing an RV here for any reason other than convenience. I purchased my 2005 Sportscoach in Jacksonville Florida. Flew there twice once to look at it, once to bring it home. Even after that I still feel like I saved about 15 - 20K. That's a lot of money. I also paid my sales taxes in Florida, and the dealer gave me a document to take with me too the DMV when I had it inspected and registered, and California accepted that as payment for my state taxes here. It's no secrete that many many used motor homes end up other places than California. Florida has a large amount of retirees that pass away or other wise leave these things sitting around for resale. I'm talking used here, I know nothing about new, as my personal business experience, with this sort of thing prohibits me from ever considering purchasing something like this new. I've just never had that sort of money laying around. When I picked up my Sportscoach, the dealer had (3) very new looking Prevosts. Truly beautiful rigs, most expensive one was about 350K. I'm certainly no expert about this sort of thing, but I kinda think these coaches sold in excess of 1.3M new. I do buy new cars in California, not knocking the place really, just think everyone should keep there options open.Re: Air Leak at top of my 2005 Sports CoachHey Cochise, could you please give me a little more detail regarding your fix?Re: Air Leak at top of my 2005 Sports CoachYou Know Bill, it's funny, I was heading down from Mammoth Lakes, then I start hearing this wind howling in the upper front of my coach. Only seems to happen when I'm over 55mph. Looked all over the front of the coach, can't see any other possible air leaks. I'll probably take it to a glass shop, great suggestion thanks.Air Leak at top of my 2005 Sports CoachWas on the road last week. Appears my motor home has developed an air leak around the top of the windshield. Going to try to seal it up this weekend. Was wondering if this has happened to anyone else?Re: 2005 Sportscoach SC Diesel, Need location of fuse panelThanks a lot. : ), that tidbit of info really helps me a lot. Much Thanks2005 Sportscoach SC Diesel, Need location of fuse panelI think I've blown the fuse in my power step. Can't find the fuse box. OEM doesn't show the location of the panel. Anyone know where it is?Re: Needing some fast adviseOh, there's no doubt there is some differences, I agree with what your saying 100%. But until recently, When ever I towed anything, I'm certain I've always been over gross. I guess all I'm saying is I personally believe there is always some fudge factor, or built in Head room into these factors. Just to be safe. People are very imperfect, LOL. Kent PS. I know this sounds crazy, but my Authorized Freightliner Service Rep., who I like a lot, just pretty sure he is uninformed, said to ignore the rating, and pull what I wanted to pull. Not going to do it. Pretty Bold statement.Re: Needing some fast adviseDeletedRe: Needing some fast adviseYou know funny I see funny things. I, probably like many, keep my DP in a storage yard that houses close to 60 Class A's, of all kinds. When I got mine, I came to the realization that I only had a 5K towing capacity, and have been wrestling with how I'm going to operate this, and do what I need to do. As I was leaving the yard this weekend, I saw the owner of a beautiful 1999 Monaco Diplomat emptying his holding tanks pulling a 24 foot trailer. As I past him I told him how much I liked his trailer, How beautiful his rig looked, and expressed to him how much I envied him having enough horsepower, and towing capacity to pull such a trailer. The facts, I don't know to much about Monaco's, But much to my amazement he did this with less horsepower than my rig. His coach was only 250HP. It was almost exactly the same size and weight as my rig. What did he have in it? Not one but (2) race cars of some sort. Ask him how much his trailer weighed, he said he thought 3900 Lbs. So needless to say he was probably significantly over gross, and had been operating this way for quite some time. I engaged in a little small talk, and did discover he designs his trip routing to almost always avoid any serious climbs, or downgrades. I would never under any circumstances recommend anyone operate there rigs over gross in any way, shape, or fashion. But I can't help but wonder if the design intent of the ratings were established as safe guide lines, not a red line in the sand, never to exceed under any circumstances. Just a thought KentRe: Needing some fast adviseWow someone else with the same issue. I have a DP and even it is restricted to 5K. i had grand plans, and have elected to proceed with honoring the Manufacturers recommendation. You may as I have to come up with a different plan. As I did. Some DP's have the capacity of serious towing. Many do not. Do your home work. Kent