All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutions2004 Pace Arrow battery drainI bought an 04 Pace Arrow new and have never had battery charging problems until this year, when plugged in to shore power you hear a clicking sound about every 30 seconds coming from the fuse box area under the hood, and the batteries were not getting charged, a local dealer replaced the auxiliary start relay, and that seemed to fix the problem for about 2 weeks, today the 12 volt battery was dead, and the clicking sound is back, I was able to start the generator so the 2 six volt batteries are charged. has anyone had this problem ? I will take it back to the dealer tomorrow. Workhorse chassis, 8.0 liter ThanksRe: looking for owners of 2004-2005 Pace ArrowsI have a 2004 Pace Arrow, 36B, and the converter is under the bottom shelf below the sink in the bedroom, ours went out in Wyoming and I had to call Fleetwood to locate it.