All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsEGR valve. CEL problem. On Cummins ISB6.7L in DPI have a Cummins ISB6.7L in Freightliner chassis. Recently started getting a check engine light which became more frequent. Their was also power loss when it was on.The CEL is for "EGR out of calibration" This means not working right since it cannot be calibrated. EGR cleaning should be every 75,000 mi and I have 62,000. I did remove it and found that the valve had some carbon which did partially block the valve "plunger" making it hang up. I cleaned that and it moves freely now. I also tried to clean the small passages beneath the sensor but was unable to fully get in there because the one allen screw was frozen in place. Did what I could with "purple power cleaner. Same with the sensor. I filled the passages with parts cleaner and let them soak then blew them out with canned air. I drove it yesterday for about three hours at 65mph with some stop and go. The CEL camo on after an hour and came and went with some power loss. No shange. Questions? Is there a way to test the sensor or tell if it is the problem by the codes or behavior? Can I clean it and the passages with flammable brake cleaner? Does the "actuator (solenoid) go bad and can I test it with 12v applied to it's wire harness? Any answers or help will be appreciated. If I know what needs replaced before I clear out under the bed again it would be a big help.Re: Need tire inflation by weight for Sunitomo 719 tire CA Traveler wrote: The inflation tables are designed (hopefully) to provide the optimal conditions for a given weight. More pressure up to the max can cause more tire rounding and less traction and center wear for example. Inflation for all tires on a axle is the same and based on the heavest side. Tires aren't always what they should be and I remain negative on Michelin and Goodyear due to my experience with cracking and other issues. Having apologized for not figuring out the information offered on the website I was going to shut up but you made three good points which I agree with. . As you mentioned too many psi for the load does make the tire wear in the center and also reduces traction. That is why I always (as you also suggested) find and use the manufacturers load and inflation for that tire. I also share your mistrust of Michelin and Goodyear. I had a set of Michelin RV tires begin to crack in the sidewalls as they hit five years and had to replace them. I also had a set of Goodyear RV tires that began blowing out at around five years. I an anal about tire pressure and I also check temps with an IF thermometer at every stop. Thus the Sumitomo's. Thanks all for the help.Re: Need tire inflation by weight for Sunitomo 719 tire BarryG20 wrote: I must be missing something. Some one posted a load inflation table from Sumitomo tires The link is talking about their S tires and in the chart below the load inflation table it has the 719's specifically in that chart. Why would you think that the load inflation table does not apply to them? It also states in the linked "book" as they called it under the section titled Proper Tire Inflation "Consult the air pressure guidelines in this book, or refer to the tire sidewall or pressure charts from the Tire and Rim Association. When speeds are constantly above 70 m.p.h., it is recommended to use maximum air pressure for good wear and performance." Again perhaps I am missing something and very well may be, but it looks clear to me No, I think it is me that is missing something. I did not understand what that bottom chart was for. Looking closer it does have my size then across the top it does have 719. where the columns for those meet it says H. My load range id H. Just to confirm are you saying that it is saying that the above table does apply to my tires and that the section at the top about 788's and 948's is just a blurb about those tires. If so thank you for explaining that. I am grateful to you for letting me know and apologize for any confusion I have created. I am getting too old for this complicated stuff!Re: Need tire inflation by weight for Sunitomo 719 tire rk911 wrote: i did a search for 'Sumitomo Tire Inflation Chart' and got several hits. If you scroll down to the bottom you'll find a phone number and physical address for the company. This link includes a tire inflation table. Scroll down a bit to see it. Hope this helps. There you have the problem in a nutshell. That address, phone and email is for the US wholesaler, TVC, and the table is for tires which are Sumitomo are from a from a different line. The folks who answer the phone and email for TVC say that all small truck tires, regardless of line or even brand will have the same inflation for a given load. I can't believe that. they aren't able to give any answer but that one and claim that there is no way for me or even TVC to ask the manufacturer for a chart. Frustrating. I'll run them at max for now but they feel like wooden tires. The Sumitomos that they replaced ran at 110 but they were 727's and have their own table. Enough ranting. I have found an English language site got the manufacturer in Japan and have sent them a polite request. We will see what happens. They make tennis balls, some DUnlop tires and thousands of other rubber things. They even make some tires in the USA. Amazing.Need tire inflation by weight for Sunitomo 719 tireI just bought a pair of Sumitomo 719front tires (255/70/22.5 M 16ply rated). I asked what to inflate them too and was told they inflate them to 120psi which is the max on the sidewall. I have always used a load and inflation chart specific to that tire and just figured that I'd find one and determine the proper pressure myself. Not so easy. In the website of TVC who distributes the brand I could only fond a max pressure and max weight. Not what I need. A series of phone calls and emails yielded a chart but it was made for a different line of tires. More questioning got me the statement that all light truck and RV tires have the same load to psi figures. This could not be true because my old tires (Sumitomo 727's same size) that had different psi figures. I gave up on TVC when they said there was no email or phone number to reach the Sumitomo office or factory and that even they could not contact them. A number of people used various mathematical formulas and charts to give me everything from 75psi to 135psi. The max is on the sidewall as 120psi but I was told that that does not really apply. Does anyone have a way to contact Sumitomo? At 120psi it feels like I have wooden wheels but I am not comfortable taking a "best guess" Things sure have changed in customer service these days.Microwave convection shot. Replacement?Our Dometic microwave convection died. It was a DOTRC17B. 2007 vintage. The fuse is good. It's actually an LG. I'd like to get a new LG to fit the mounts but I do not know the models that replace the size and back mount. Has anyone done this? Other models would be worth a try but I am leery of trusting the mounting given the state of the highways these days. Any info would be helpful ThanksRe: Can't find switch for "driving/fog" lights BB_TX wrote: If the headlight switch rotates to turn the headlights on/off, then it may also pull/push to turn the fog lights on/off. That's it! I never would have thought to pull the knob out. Thanks!Can't find switch for "driving/fog" lightsWe have a National Tropical coach from 2008 that we bought just over a year ago. I was replacing a headlamp pod recently and noticed the low mounted "running/driving/fog lights" and realized that I have never seen them come on. I did check to make sure the bulbs are good. I can't find any switch for them either. The manual is for a generic theoretical vehicle and was supposed to have a supplement for the individual models but I never saw one. There is a picture but no information about the switch and no dash control information either. Does anyone know where the switch might be? National is gone so I can't ask them. I'd appreciate any info. It would be nice to be able to use them. I am sorry, I can't figure out how to add photos.Need diagram of wireing on Freightliner XC Ignition switchWe have a 2007 Freightliner XCR chassis and are having a problem with the electrical system. The jacks, rear camera and screen and the dash AC have all stopped working. There may be other things too. They became intermittent for a day the quit all of the way. What they all have in common is that they all work when the key is in the run position. None of them have any power to them in any position now. I am suspecting the ignition switch but would like to know what the various wires on the back of the switch do so that I can test it without risking shorting something important. The engine starts and runs fine. Does anyone have this info? Freightliner has revised their policy for supplying information so it may take a while to get it from them. We need to register our RV with them and need a dealer number which we cannot find.Re: Dometic RM1350 fridge works on gas not ACToday I ran all of the tests and checked all of the things that connect to the board and all were good. With a helper I checked that the upper boards were signaling the lower to start the AC mode. I decided to pot in a spare new board just in case the replacements were bad but it still did not run. AC into the board but none out. I'll can dino and dometic tomorrow.