All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsSolid stepsWe just tried to install solid steps to replace regular steps. Everything went great. Until we tried to shut door. Hubby grinded small lip off. Which we saw done on YouTube. Still won't shut. Has about a 1/4 inch gap. Anyone installed these steps and have any HELP!!. THANKS JANET & VANCERe: fridge will not come onWell had someone look at it and then called a professional I think our fridge is done. We have green/yellow stuff on the outside but inside the fridge compartment. I was praying not to have to get a new one but may have too... so sad here... cannot really afford this right now....Re: fridge will not come onOk my friends...I love this group....toddupton - I will check fuses on the inside... Mandalay - will check GFI switch... pray it is that.. And Old Biscuit - you are a riot... My Dometic fridge is a RM 2652 model, Panel lites not working, will test - outlet, 12vfuse, 5A glass fuse, 3A auto fuse. will check all of the suggestions... Thank you again for your great help... I don't know what I would do without you... JanetRe: Locked OutSame thing happened to us at a campground.. We were with friends and we tried all of their keys... no luck... But a sweet lady across the street came over and offered us her keys to try... She had 3 and by the grace of god the 3rd key worked. She was a angel... so I would say use everyone's key or go to a dealer and they may let you use theirs...fridge will not come onHi, it is me again... We got the blower problem fixed and it was the circuit board. Cleaned it and it is fine... Now the fridge which is on the same 15 amp fuse will not work. Last night it was on for a while and when we went back just to double check it was off and will not come back on. We made sure all fuses were good. All the fuses on the backside of the fridge looks great... So what else could we look for? Help...You guys got it right last time. It is a Dometic fridgeRe: furnace fan will not cut offYes, the fan is on Auto... And no I am not sure if it is the furnace fan or converter fan... It seems to be the furnace fan to me.. air is coming out of the burner vent on the side of the camper.. and up through the floor...It is a surburban furnace and a Duo-therm by Dometic...where and what is a converter fan.... educate me please...2007 is the year of my camper...furnace fan will not cut offOk, July 4th get home. Start unloading and do so.. later go back in camper and hear fan blowing. Under fridge is the furnace. fan is running (NO HEAT) we checked the thermostat all positions correct. take out fuse is the only way to get it to stop.. also this fuse works the fridge... a neighbor said to take off the thermostat cover and removed the small wires from the furnace didn't work, put it back then removed wires from fan and it still won't cut off.. Now what... we have turned off electric. husband said he hit the thermostat when coming out of our bedroom but, it looks alright to us... Help any Ideas...Re: sulfer smell in bath sinkSo let me see if I get this..... we drain hot water tank every season... leave it open during what you are saying is to put it back together then add vinegar and water let it heat up run it through... cut it off.... let it cool.... then let off pressure and open and let it out... this sounds like too much work....lolRe: sulfer smell in bath sinkWe drain our water heater every season. Actually rinse it out with water and let it drain out all the white junk in it. We do not open the water tank up when we bleach. I don't think you are suppose to put bleach in the tank. Our plug looks great. I will do the bleach and let it sit for 24 hours again. If that does not work than I will get the chemical suggested and try that down our drains... thank you my friends...(when I say tank I mean the water heater tank)sulfer smell in bath sinkWe are going to de winterize the camper. I know we have to take out the antifreeze and then rinse out.. Last season we used bleach and filled tank, ran it through till we smelled bleach at each faucet. But I noticed last year if we turned the bath sink on it had that rotten egg smell.. So my question is.... what should I do different to make sure this smell goes out of the sink faucet this year...I know you can help. Have never let me down... thanks Janet
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