All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Signal FlasherThe chassis is a Freightliner GregSignal FlasherI have a friend that has a 2000 Winnabago Chieftain motorhome and I need to find the flasher unit any help would be great Thank you you GregRe: Toad Tire MonitorThanks to all!Toad Tire MonitorHi every one While traveling to Florida my toad blew a tire and destroyed my wheel well plastic liner.I didn't know until a motorist alerted me. Is there a system for monitoring the toad tire pressure from the motor home. Thank you GregRe: Onan 8000 Desiel GeneratorI found the 150 ampa mega fuse open ordered new one see what happens ThanksRe: Onan 8000 Desiel GeneratorAlso i now have the rv plugged in and every thing is dead inside the batteries are fully charged so now i have more problems then i Thought. Am i missing something like a fuse its almost like there is no connection from the batteries,Also the store switch used to work and the ligt on it is very dimOnan 8000 Desiel GeneratorI have to use the aux switch to start the generator,as long as i hold the aux battery switch in the genny runs.As soon as I let the switch go the generator stops. What im thinking is the rocker switch to start it could be bad putting a ground on the genny positive.Also if i jumper it with my car and leave the jumpers connected it runs fine,pull the jumpers off it stops.All batteries are charged and clean.The positive cable going to the generator is grounded i pull it off and checked it with a ohm meter and it is showing zero resistance Thanks GregDead Chassis BatteriesHI I stared my 2013 Berkshire 2 weeks ago after it sat for a month no problems.I tried to start it today every thing is dead the batteries house and chassis are a little low on voltage.After gettting the generator running by jumpering it i tried starting the engine and it would shut the generator off.I tried using the aux battery and that would shut the generator down also,I need some suggestions on this wierd problem. Thank you GregRe: Equalizer leveling systems circa 2003The reason I changed mine the piston went right through the jack foot on two jacks so Equalizer sent 4 new ones which were heavy duty compared to the orignals i was still under warrenty.Maybe your jack is coming down due to a leak?Re: Equalizer leveling systems circa 2003All 4 of mine are looser than the pads that were on originally.But when retracted they are tight against the cylinder is what I needed to see so they don't wobble while driving.