All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutions76 GMC / 455 BatteryOk warm weather is finely here in MI. man what a long winter. So I need to start on my GMC that I bought last Sept in TX and drove here and start my rebuild. Battery is dead and I need to get a good strong replacement. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I need the size for the starter battery. Storage lot was broken into and mine is gone. Makes you lose faith in mankind. Did they have to pick on an Old GMC? ThanksRe: Diabetic Help PattieAM wrote: Although I use the program and love it, I still keep written records - take them with me to other doctors. Stress plays a part in elevated numbers, as does illness, some meds, diet/exercise or lack thereof. Steroids are my issue and reason I'm a diabetic. Wish I could get off them, but they are the only RA treatment I can tolerate at this time. I had stress elevations, (due to money issues) and remembered to 'take action' doing almost anything is better than dwelling/brooding over the issue you cannot immediately solve. I do crossword puzzles, am starting to get back into some sewing, copying recipes, and I leave the TV set OFF. My old horse doctor told me years ago to turn off the television as the doom and gloom predictors have no good news and what they tell you of events you rarely have any control of. I dislike hearing about murders and it upsets me. Bsinmich, I like your tale. My weight loss has me back into clothes I bought in the early 80's which has helped overcome the depression of the RA, diabetes, cancer, etc.