All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Loose side mirror2015, Coachmem, no delamination. The arm is metal and the shell that holds the mirror and attaches to the arm is all metal.Loose side mirrorThe passenger mirror (Manual) on my Class C Ford F-350 is loose where it attaches to the arm, and vibrates out of place so it is unusable. Any idea how to tighten it?Onan Fuel StabilizerI have been using Onan fuel stabilizer in my class C after having the carburetor in the generator gum up a couple years ago. I am running low and discovered that everyone is out of the Onan brand. What other brand is good to use as a fuel stabilizer? Any suggestions?Best Electrical Monitoring SystemDear Fellow RVers, I’ve searched the forums for information and decided I need an Electrical Monitoring System. My granddaughter lives in a TT full time at an older RV park while going to college. She just lost her AC and thermostat due to a surge. So she is getting an EMS, and we are looking for “best product” recommendations. I’ve searched on google, and on Amazon, read reviews, articles, etc etc. I’m just wondering if any of you have a recommendation about the best most reliable product. Thanks for any information that you might have.Re: AC issues on a summer vacation Acampingwewillgo wrote: I know it won't be fun....but check the Fin's on your condenser. Once it gets messy and air flow diminishes, they freeze up quicker. Thanks!Re: AC issues on a summer vacationThank you! We finally decided that is what happened. We will keep the thermostat set higher.AC issues on a summer vacationHi All, We are on our way to Cheyenne WY for the rodeo, currently in Raton NM. Suddenly the AC only has 1 speed, low, and is not blowing much air. The air is cold, but the compressor is not cycling off and on. I had a similar issue last month. At that time, I turned the AC off for awhile, maybe 30 min, then back on and it seemed to be fine. It has not acted up since and it has been used a lot. We currently have it turned off. I thought it might be low voltage in the park we are in, but I turned on our generator and the AC behaved the same. Any ideas?Re: Generator use Matt_Colie wrote: Nurse GJA, You have a good plan. That Onan should do that in it sleep. Serveral years back, we put 86 hours that was almost continues on one of my Onans, and it didn't care at all. They say that I might need an overhaul (which is little more than a tune-up in their book) at 1000 hours. So, Go for it. The run will do it good. Matt Good to know that a tune up might be in order at 1000 miles. Thanks!Re: Generator use D.E.Bishop wrote: Gayle, it takes a Special Mom to become a GRANDmom, thanks for caring and keep on camping with that special grandchild. Thanks D.E Bishop. Thanks for the kind words. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my kids and visa versa!Re: Generator useThanks everyone! So sorry that I didn’t say it is a 4.0KW Onan generator. Yep, I will change the oil before the weekend trip and I will check the oil level everyday. My generator typically uses 1/2 gallon per hour. I have a 55 gal gas tank, so I will likely fill up once over the 3 days, just to be sure I don’t run low on fuel. I read somewhere that gens won’t run when gas tank is below 1/4 full. I’ve never tested that info though. I know it would be more cost effective to find a cheap park, but this is a situation where a grandchild is having surgery, I’m a nurse and need to be there (at home after surgery) with her, and I have pets that I have to take with me; hence, the generator and AC will have to run the entire time. Also, I use OnaFresh fuel stabilizer as I have already experienced a gummed up gen carburetor from gas with ethanol after sitting for only 4 weeks without starting. So any time I use the gen, the gas with have fuel stabilizer in it. As mentioned, I have used my gen a lot, but just never 60-70 hours without stopping, so I wanted to check what the experts! As usual, you all have come through with flying colors and given me all the information I need! Thanks again.