All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Capitalism at its best.I was wondering what sort of blow back or if his (Marcus) comments were going to come up.Re: Fridge WOES......AgainI know its a bit off topic but this issue is typical of most of the RV industry. The use the cheapest parts and slap it together. I have had issues with multiple RV fridges. I wont have another that not residential. Sorry for your fridge woes. Look on the bright side it hasn't caught fire yerReturn from Class AOkay Here is the story. 1st we had a 32' bumper pull LQ trailer that had 16' of toy space. Fair conversion done by me but DW wanted more. 2nd went to 3912 Raptor. 12 ft TH space decent hauler but was not both to big and to small. DW hated it. Even moved up to a Freightliner sportchasis to drag it around. Made all the upgrades that keystone did not. Anyway on to present. 40' 3 slide Country Coach diesel pusher. Great build quality drives great. Very functional with the exception of its limited to gravel or paved roads. You can get it stuck if its in wet grass. I also want to stay legal with 65' limit with enclosed trailer which does not get the wifes jeep, quad and my Dirtbike. I think I want to switch back to a bumper pull. I can still put the quad in the bed of the truck and put jeep and bike in the back of the TH. Heres the catch it looks like the main TH builders dont have the weight capacity to have a jeep in. I have seen the work and plays but the look a bit spartan as far as interiors go and only have tandem axles guess 2 5000 which seems light. Am I missing any TH mfg's or am I back to a full custom?Re: At mud nationals carbon monoxide detector going offWe had a simalar issue and ended up buying a new CO2 detector. Turns out our 1 1/2 year old raptor had put in a 6 year old detector. I could not believe they would put a expired detector in. Check out the dates as they have a shelf lifeRe: Did you name your toyhauler?P.O.S.Re: Looking for new spot to go in Colorado jrp wrote: Most of the best riding trails are on the other side of Cottonwood Pass from Buena Vista, around a place called Taylor Park. There you can ride right from camp, but would need to drive back to BV or Gunnison for some of the tourist & restaurant stuff. The sites & trails around Taylor Park do get a bit crowded in mid summer & holidays. Your version and our in the midwest of crowded are likely not the same. The trails close to home look like a GNCC race. We rode 80 miles in Estes and saw one hiker. In Silverton it seemed fairly busy with jeeps SxS and quads, Bikes hardly any. I will check Taylor park out ThanksLooking for new spot to go in ColoradoHey Boys and Girls Looking for a campground that we can ride the quads and bikes from and get to or start at the trails. Been to Estes Park area, Silverton,Ouray, Telluride and Durango. Looking in the Buena Vista area or close. All the local CG's have to trailer to the trail head. Still want to ride and do the touristy stuff. Raft hike fish and of course eat. Thanks in advance !Re: Anyone gone from Class A to 5er toy hauler or visa versa?We just sold a 3912 raptor and pulled it with a FL-60 freightliner sportchasis It worked great but as strange as it s was short on living space. Just bought a 40 ft class A pusher and getting a 20' enclosed trailer to haul the toys. Even with 12' of toy space it only left 30' of living space. Now we will have full 40' of living space and 20 for the toys. We will still put a awning and water/toilet in the trailer.Re: Considering TH with challenging tow dougford wrote: Keep your truck camper. Buy a big goose neck trailer. Put truck camper on it. Haul Jeep behind camper. I saw a couple of these setups last weekend at an OHV park here in Texas. Wish I had taken pictures. One guy had around a 16-foot Airstream on his goose neck. It was awesome looking. If you go to the pirate4x4 website they have a number of trailer builds taking a gooseneck flay bed and putting a 5vr trailer and using the rear 20 or so feet to hauler a jeep/crawler. I just looked at a race car trailer with living quarters so a few options limited by $$Re: HeightOur raptor is 13'4'' but it is also 41'9'' long I would go deeper than the 40 you have. From a seller stand point if a rv buyer is looking at the house he wants he stuff to fit. I have looked at a few house with sheds and most are 12 tall. I would likely spend more raising the roof 4 ' than tearing it down and building new. I have never heard anyone say the have to much space or to much horsepwer. JMHO
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