All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpI will need fo spend some time replacing seals and adressing some water damage from orevious owners. Not gonna stress about it on this trip. I have tarps if any leaks develop in rain, but forevast isn’t calling for anything major if at all. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions. I have valued everyone who chimed in. Rubber side down, the husband.Re: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpMany people asked if the fireplace was plugged into hose or the trailer. My reply was ‘the trailer’. I realize the idiocracy of how easy it was to diagnose I just wasn’t quick enough. The latest response has been invaluable. One, my wife is my most prized possession. Understand that my post was made more out of fun than reality although her father did come over. I am working on checking all systems. It has never had water in holding tank before but I did flush out alll antifreeze. In so doing, I noticed the water wouldn’t prime which ended up being a broken filter knob. Luckily for me, my father-in-law happens to have an extra one. Go figure. I installed a new toilet as the flusher pedal on this one was broken. Found a Thetford on Amazon for $100 and installed after tracking down the right hose connection. The fridge works great and is propane or electric. I got an air circulator that was recommended to u to even out temperature between racks. Stove, furnace, AC works too. I know what I can haul and all that goes on there so feeling confident in that department. Just that **** fancy fireplace which I didn’t care about in the first place. My wife is super excited and so are the kids and I. She has it all packed and loaded and we depart tomorrow morning after a quick stop at Les Schwab to replace a valve stem in one of the mew tires I bought. I also got that Campendium app that was suggested to me for finding water & dump stations and all konds of camping places. I only looked at it last night so I can’t write a full review, but so far I think it will be a helpful app. I am going to haul dry and grab water in Pullman.Re: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpThank you.Re: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpFather-in -law fixed the fireplace. And it was simple. He removed the device and it wasn’t plugged in. How many of you said to do the same thing? Plenty. I hadn’t had time to before reinforcing were sent. She doesn’t like waiting. Relieved it wasn’t a major problem because we all know how that would have gone for me. As for the good news, I caught 2 mice running havoc inside and sealed the undercarriage so they can no longer get in. I also replaced broken vent covers from our recent rain....which is how I knew to replace them. I am now in the good graces and all clear from my wife. On a other note. We head out this Friday for a 10 day virgin run. Do you guys haul WITH water tanks full or do you fill closer to destination? If you do fill en route, are there typical places one can go to fill with potable water? We will be going from Spokane, WA to Pullman, WARe: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpAll, sorry for not replying sooner. Cats out of the bag. She knows. The issue has yet to be resolved and she has called in her own reinforcements. We are not currently speaking and my father-in-law will be taking care of the issue from here on out. I don’t know what it will entail, but I want to thank all of you for rendering aid to this wounded soldier during my time of need. We fought a good fight. I will update you with the diagnosis as Im made aware of it. I don’t know when ‘he’ is coming, remember, my wife and I are not speaking. Mostly it’s just my wife not speaking. Your input has been valued and I look forward to returning the favor. As you have learned, Im not as RV savvy as you and will likely be of no help, but I will be here nonetheless. God BlessRe: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpI see the reason for some to giggle at our/my thread. I mentoned I am new to RVing. The RV is plugged into our home outlet/110. I am extremely busy during the week and have no idea how to keep up with all of your suggestions and advice. I don’t have a power tester, but as per one of yous tips, I will pock one up when I have cash. Using my debit card, that my wife watches like a hawk, is not wise at this time. We all know why. She is suspicious. Suspicious as to why I won’t show her our pretty fireplace. Excuses are running out. Not to mention, She set up this account so I could ‘learn’ from others.....and learning from others I am. However, I have much to learn (obviously, as my need to ask in this way) and need to set time aside to delve into this RV when ‘she’ is not home so I can work without the pressure. The not so funny part is that she could probably fix it if I told her. Im just not yet willing to freely go to the doghouse myself, yet. Thanks for standing with me to this point. Update to follow soon. FYI, I cannot find my “Little Prince” fireplace in a simple google search.....which is perplexing to say the least.Re: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpAll, the fireplace is a “Little Prince” 66000 DLP-79Re: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpJerry, I bought it without trying it out so Im not sure if it worked before or not and this is why my wife may kill me.Re: My wife is gonna kill me, please helpJerry, thanks. Yes, I have it plugged into an outlet right now, at our house, as well as having 2 brand new deep cycle batteries installed. The owner told me it was electric only, as opposed to propane.My wife is gonna kill me, please helpHi all, just bought a used trailer so we r brand new to owning an RV. A 2011 Milan Eclipse to be exact. Anyway, the light-up flame electric fireplace, which is very pleasing to look at, won’t turn on. My wife is going to kill me because it was one ‘must have’ for allowing me to buy it. It came with an extra bulb, but I can’t get it to do anything when I turn it on. Any recommendations? Is there reset buttons, a fuse inside, or anything else that isn’t in plain site?