since ‎Oct-25-2003

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2006 OKanagan 117DBL and kids... The net in front of the top bunk has issues, and I'd like to replace.  I know Western Leisure is no more, and Adventurer is not making Eagle Cap any longer, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a source for this type of...
Need some matching (or closely matching) panels for my 2006 OKanagan 117DBL. I figured it's a long shot, but wondered if anyone has any leads. Interior is the same color as this one.Given the age, I assume direct replacements are not available, but s...
Driver's rear corner of Okanagan 117DBL has some non trivial water damage. Rear filon is cracked open and the wood inside is rotted.Anyone in the Midwest know a good RV service center who might take this on? Assuming I can get the unit loaded (not ...
In 2006, newbie TC and diesel owner me get our TC and went with Firestone air bags to help with the large TC sag. That set of posts is long gone from here, but most who have been around a while saw the gory details. I was so scared of bags at that ...
Anyone have a source for a one piece tub/shower like are commonly found in TCs? I have a need for one for a non TC application, and all I can find are multi-piece offerings from the RV places (tub, front, shower surround, etc.)But, I really don't wa...