All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRoadtrek 190 PopularI have looked at many different Roadtrek 190 Populars and I have seen a Wardrobe behind the drivers seat instead of a passenger seat and I have also seen that some have taken out the third seat by the door and installed another wardrobe or closet there. But I have yet to find out where a person can purchase them. Now my question is does anyone know where they can be purchased. If they are to expensive maybe a local cabinet maker in my area.Re: Onan generatorThanks everyone it's the circuit breakerRe: Onan generatorSorry for the lack of info. It's a 1995 Onan 6500 The switch is a on / off type and not the rockets with for starting. I can't take a pic because there is only enough room to get my hand in to use the switch. It is on the upper right hand side just in a couple of inches. I tried to up date the question earlier but it didn't send.Onan generatorOn my Onan generator there is a switch on the right hand side near the top can anyone tell me what it is for ?