All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsPicking a coach imputFirst time RVers and we're pulling the trigger on a used unit within a week or so. We have narrowed down our wants, needs, likes, balanced with a bit of "gotta have" and "would be nice but not necessary" and have landed on 5 different units. They range from an '05 National Sea Breeze to an '11 Itasca 30W. All are available for $55,000 or less. As loans are a profit source for dealerships we can write it that way and pay it off before the interest kicks if it helps with the negotiation. Right now I'm interested in feedback about these 5 specific coaches: 2011 Itasca Sunstar 30W 2010 FOUR WINDS HURRICANE 30Q 2005 NATIONAL RV SEEBREEZE 1321 2010 Coachmen Mirada 29DS 2007 Tiffin Motorhomes Allegro 30 DA 2-SL Yes, it's a wide range but all are clean and after a 30 minutes with each, just looking and tire kicking not test driven yet all can meet our needs and stay within budget. Is newer necessarily better? Are Tiffin and Itasca really that great? Is a National RV or Coachman synonymous is shoddy workmanship? Any and all feedback welcome from personal experience to "I heard from a cousin of my deceased aunt twice removed on an elevator". I've posted links to four of the five actual coaches on my web site here: Sammie and Tony RV hunt or cut and paste if necessary Thanks;