All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Upgraded Sway Bar for Pulling 5th WheelThis is a good example. They even have a neat video showing them in action Don't let anyone tell you that this does not apply since you are not caring a load in the bed.... Un what do you call the 1-5k lbs in pin weight that your trailer has IN THE BED of the truck?! yup that's a load in the bed of the truck! Sorry if I sound fired up. This is a topic I have talked about so many times and people always tend to argue without knowing... Kinda like SA vs DA pistols.Re: Upgraded Sway Bar for Pulling 5th Wheel ol Bombero-JC wrote: IMO - most folks towing 5th wheels never experience "sway" as compared to towing a TT..:W ~ I think this is where most start to get lost in the fog... trailer sway pretty much does not exist when pulling from the bed. Trailer sway can be sorta explained like the tail wagging the dog. Sine the trailer hooks up at the back of the truck the trailer can use the leverage to wag the truck. Also when pulling from the bumper a trailer can wag (aka sway) and the truck will feel this and be pushed side to side (like wondering in the lane) A sway bar does NOTHING to help this. The sway bar helps the truck stay flat and not lean when going around a corner. Go find a twisty road and push the truck faster than you would normally ( about to the point the tires start to fold or squeal). Feel the lean? That is body roll (aka sway). When pulling from the bed (not as bad with a gooseneck) the trailer can press down on the truck and cause the body to lean just like when turning. This does not happen when going in a straight line. Adding a sway bar will make the truck feel so much better turning empty and loaded. Like I said in an earlier post, there is a point where too much sway bar will start to allow other parts to "flex". A big issue is the sidewalls on the tires. Since adding my sway bar I am able to turn faster and the sidewalls start to fold and rub the road. Now don't get me wrong, my f350 is still a massive 8500 pound brick on wheels and handles nothing like my lowered, stiff spring, large swaybar, super sticky AWD wrx.Re: Upgraded Sway Bar for Pulling 5th WheelI don't agree with most of you that have posted on this thread. My truck did not have a swaybar on the rear. I added the helwig big wig and could not be happier!! It was an amazing upgrade both loaded and unloaded. Also those of you saying it will not help pulling a 5er since the weight is centered are also wrong. Look at the hitch and rails. They take the weight and spread it out across the width of the frame. That means it can cause the truck to lean or push one side down when turning. The sway bar will help fight against the lean. Now, is upgrading the one you have to a bigger one worth it? I would say probably yes. Most stock swaybars (Like the new fords) are about the size of a twig. They help, but not much. Remember that a big sway bar is good but you pass the point of too much and you start to fold the tires :) Yea I know that from experience!!Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Both springs are there and hooked up as they should be. I am thinking its something to do with the part that controls the motor speed. I assume there is something in there that watches the RPMs and tells it to speed up or slow down to keep the right speed. It seems like it thinks its going too fast so it tells the motor to slow down. then it thinks its too slow so it speeds up aka pulse. On our motor controls there is a POT for adjusting how fast to adjust, if you turn it too high, the motor does the exact same thing as my champ is doing. Same thing when you tune a servo system. If I pull the arm off the carb and work the throttle my self the engine runs fine.It idles fine and accelerates smoothly. and it also over revs too...oops! I am going to call champ again and get a warranty claim going. unless you guys can think of something else to try.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Good stuff! I took the carb apart and cleaned it really well. There was hardly any gunk in the bowel and on the jet. Put it all back together and same thing. So I pulled off the rod that controls the throttle and was able to get it to run just fine controlling the speed myself. Hooked the rod back up and it pluses. Almost like a 2 cylinder motor that is missing one cylinder Guess Ill call champ again and see about getting looked at by the warranty place.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. professor95 wrote: The float bowl will need to be removed and cleaner sprayed up into the jet orifice (wear safety goggles!!!!). You may even need to unscrew the jet from the carb body to get it clean. Thanks for the input professor! I called champ this morning and they told me the same thing. I just wanted to make sure with champ that if I start to pull things apart, it will not mess with the warranty since its only a few months old. Why is it that my lawnmower and lawn tractor can sit for 4 or more months in the shed during the winter and fire up fine in the spring? The first year I put some stabil in there but am almost sure it did not get any this past winter. ( I know BAD BAD BAD!! life threw a MAJOR b-slap at us right around that time :( ) is it just because of the design of the carb/float/jet?Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.I pulled my little champ out of the garage to use tonight . Brought my trailer home from the shop and wanted to have some ac while we clean it up. Started it up and it fired on the first pull but was pulsing. After about 5 minutes it keeps pulsing. It will not start the ac and it just boggs down big time when I try to start it. It almost smells like its running rich. When I put it away last time I shut off the fuel valve off. It was sitting in the garage for about 6 weeks. Did the gas go bad? The jets in the carb gummed up? Not sure where to start other then to pull the intake and shoot a bunch of carb cleaner down there and see what happens? It only has about 10 hours of use on it so far.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. tvman44 wrote: There is no ground with the generator. When I bought my EMS the tech told me to bond the ground to the nutral and it will make the EMS happy. They built me an adapter when I bought it for much cheaper then I could buy the plugs myself. Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Its amazing how much power things will draw. I have an EMS on my 5th that shows current, volts, freq and it will cut power to the rig should anything fall out of range. pretty sweet unit (i think its made by progressive industries if I remember right). Just sitting there with the tv on and the converter charging and powering a few lights I can hit 7 to 15 amps. Remember that is with no ac, fridge, or water heater! the 12v lights tend to suck lots of power! LEDs are coming someday...Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. MrWizard wrote: NO load ... NO idea running the A/C about 3 hrs per gallon charging batteries 55amp WFCO & using PC etc.. approx 5hrs per gallon that is more then I thought, and its good to hear! Thanks..
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