All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsReview of repairs by GS Review TeamRecently I had repair work done on my RV. Several Items and Labor hours were not considered. I contacted GS and I was supplied forms to fill out explaining why I thought items were covered by my warranty. I just received a reply that all my repair costs would be covered minus my deductible. I have to this date never been sorry or dissatisfied with this warranty and the staff at the GSES. I have always been treated fairly. Thank you once for your service and commitment to your customers.Re: Sidewall Problems/"Gassing"/Checking of PaintIf you are addressing my post, I am the original owner.. I had a three year warranty , bumper to bumper. was at newmar plant all three years for warranty issues. In all the three years I was not advised of anything being wrong with the sidewalls, which newmar knew there was a problem.. I started to see the cracking after about 5 years.I was told by newmar when I contacted them that they did have a program to assist those with this problem. Unfortuately they did not advise anyone of it and those who did "hear" about it, were told by other owners who found out about this program, the same way I did, Unfortunately the program was not available anymore. I bought what I thought was a quality unit at the time. Unfortunately I bought it from a company that had no loyalty to their customers. So if you were addressing me, you are way off. I am glad you are loyal to a "company", I just hope you do not have a serious problem and you find out about it once newmar decides not to honor their commitment to you. As far as taking responsibility, I pay my own way, but I do expect a company to be honest and forth coming. Newmar hid the fact that there was a problem with the siding. They are the ones that did not take responsibility. So again, if you were addressing my post, please read them closely before making your judgement. Happy travelling.Re: Sidewall Problems/"Gassing"/Checking of PaintNewmar was not able to get compensation from the company that provided the sidewalls. They are replacing sidewalls during the winter at a greatly discounted price to help their customers. This year Newmar is charging $15,500 to replace the sidewalls and repaint the coach on my 2004 coach. This is better than companies like Monaco - Monaco will replace the sidewalls and repaint but at the full price of $40,000. Would I like to see them pay for it all? Sure, but I also do not want to see them go bankrupt. I really like Newmar as a company. I have been treated very well by everyone there and I would definitely buy another Newmar coach without hesitation. Again, why should the customer be saddled with additional cost. We bought these units in good faith, Newmar should have stepped up and repaired the problem in good faith, not stick us with the cost. If your choice is to be loyal to this company after paying what amounts to a premium for your unit, that is your choice. I restate, I will never buy another unit from Newmar. Happy motoring.Re: Sidewall Problems/"Gassing"/Checking of PaintNewmar was totally aware of the problem and did nothing to notify their customers that were effected. It was up to the customer to find out and the majority did so long after their warranty was up and the offer to fix the problem at a lesser price. Now they want $15,000.00 more over the original cost of the unit price. Newmar does not deserve the loyalty of those customers who were ripped off.Re: Sidewall Problems/"Gassing"/Checking of PaintThat is so nice of Newmar. the problem is they did not notify their customers of this problem and what they would do to fix it, unless you knew there was a problem. They kept it quiet and by the time the majority of Newmar owners found out about it, it was to late to benefit. Paying $15,000.00 for something Newmar should have corrected tells me that they are not faithful to their customers. Newmar was fully aware of this problem and should have notified their customers and let the chips fall where they may. If that meant bankruptcy, oh well. Now they continue to make profits while customers have to eat it. Newmar is no better than the banks that wiped the little guy out. Again, I will never purchase another unit from these people.Re: Sidewall Problems/"Gassing"/Checking of Paintall well and good and the buyer now has a unit that was a big investment and the value is way under the book value. Again, the buyer, the little guy, loses as usual. Do I really care that a company would go under if they had addressed a problem they were fully aware of prior to selling their units. NO. and hire a lawyer. Now we just added more cost to a problem that should have been corrected by the manufacturer. Good will???? Companies like Newmar are only interested in the bottom line and could care less about the buyer. They knew and sold defective products and accept no responsibility to their customers unless the customer brought it to their attention. In my case, after I learned about this defective product it was to late to even get assistance from Newmar. First of all, the only assistance Newmar should have offered was replacement of siding at their cost, not the buyers. Once again, big business walks and the buyer suffers a great loss. As stated, I for one will never buy another product from this company.Re: Sidewall Problems/"Gassing"/Checking of PaintHave the same problem with our 04 Newmar Kountry Star. We weren't aware of any problem for some time. Newmar was fully aware of it and did nothing or said nothing to it's customers. Apparently they did after several years give some assistance to customers if they brought the problem to their attention. Our problem did not show itself for approximately 5 - 6 years after purchase. No recall or notification to customers. You were on your own. I was back to Newmar 3 years in a row with warranty issues and not once did anyone advise of this siding problem. I saw a few getting siding replaced but was never told why. Once I became aware that there was a problem with siding it was to late to have replaced and cost would have been prohibitive. Newmar got away with this one as others did. They knew full well that there was a problem but hid it from customers unless you addressed it. For this reason I would never buy another RV from Newmar.Re: Gel coat cracks - are they normalNewmar had this problem with their siding and paint. They kept it very quiet and only repaired if owners complained to them. Then offered assistance after warranty was up, this was done for a short period of time and kept that very quiet also. My MH didnt show cracking until it was to late to get help from newmar. when I called them they told me their assistance program was closed. Now the paint is fading. I washed the unit at on an average of once a month and waxed twice a year. The interior of the unit is perfect but the exterior is not. Do they honestly think I will ever buy another product from them? Not in this life time.Re: 5.9 Cummins fuel problem (Still)I had the same problem. Took it to cummins and had checked. it was a fuel leak. they repaired and no problem since.Re: Diamond ShieldI have had mine replaced two times. I did every thing they suggested to keep the mildew from "creeping" in. Nothing worked. I am sorry I ever had it put on. I could have had the front repainted for less. In my opinion this is one of the worse products you could put on a motor home for any other vehicle. I called and they suggested I get the "new" product at a very expensive cost. They wanted $400 to remove. Again, in my opinion they should stand behind their product and not stick the consumer with this sub par product. I would suggest that anyone thinking of getting this product on their MH that they don't. Save yourselves a lot of head aches.