All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Class A LP Gas LineI found a local shop that took my line and tested it to verify the leak location. Although I couldn't see where it was leaking, it was where I thought it would be - where the hose ran across the top of the frame. I guess the outer fabric layer didn't show the wear, but that layer must have worn into the rubber behind it. Anyway, the shop then cut out the bad section and put 2 fittings on that were then connected with a nipple. I installed it last night and I figure I won't be having this problem again. The fittings are now sitting on top of the frame, not the hose. I'll be dead and gone long before the frame wears through those fittings. If I have a bad experience trying to find a part, I always keep looking and find a spare to put in my parts bin. Since I don't want the entire fill system - just the hose I'll contact that EBAY seller to see if they'll send me just the hose and fittings. Thanks for the help.Re: Class A LP Gas LineOne end of the hose has the connection the LP gas company uses to connect their fill hose to and the RV's tank is on the end of the hose. So I assume this is the fill hose. I'm not sure what an 80% hose is...Class A LP Gas LineOn our last camping trip we woke up cold. After not being able to get the furnace to turn on I found out the LP tank was empty. That was odd since the last time I checked the level it had plenty and don't use it that much. (A full tank will last us over 3 years.) I broke camp and drove to the closest LP dealer to have it filled. When they started filling the tank, LP started leaking from the hose that connected my tank and the the RV's filler connection pannel. Now I'm searching for a replacement hose and can't find one. (Monaco isn't any help either.) I've also searched LP gas suppliers that can make hoses, but the hoses they make are not the same as the one I have. Visibly they are different because they don't have the protective woven outer layer. Any help in pointing me to a source for the correct hose (about 5 feet long) will be appreciated. Re: Fire Hazard Appliance Recalls UPDATED NORCOLD INFO 11-20-2010FYI: Had the recall done on my 2000 Monaco Knight. Things worked fine for over a year then the fridge stopped working and gave a low DC message. I checked all that I could and found nothing wrong. I even replaced the circuit board because trying that would be less expensive than the service charge at the shop. When I took it back to the shop to have them fix it they took off the recall component that they added the year before and the fridge started working again. I was very cautious and was thinking the recall component did it's job and I don't want to burn my rig down. They ordered a new recall component and my fridge has been working fine for a few weeks now.Re: Rooftop AC Tripping Breaker... SometimesThanks for the feedback everyone. I'm sure the coils are as clean as they can be. They weren't too bad to start with, but I used a shop vac with a brush attachment to get the few items that were large enough to see. I then soaked them with a foaming coil cleaner and finished them off with a good rinse with the water hose. I did this with both sets of coils. I don't think it is the supplied voltage either. I have had the same issue at 2 different RV parks, using the generator, and plugged up at my home. I'll check the amp draw using an extension cord. That should tell me something. I don't think the coach has the amp draw on the EMS, but I know where I can borrow a meter.Re: Rooftop AC Tripping Breaker... SometimesI already replaced the breaker. I did notice the compressor was hot to the touch, if that helps. I don't know if that is normal.Rooftop AC Tripping Breaker... SometimesI have a 2001 Monaco Knight with 2 Dometic Duo-Therm AC units. The Rear air works fine and the front has started tripping the breaker. I have cleaned both sets of coils, replaced both capacitors, replaced the motor and installed a new breaker. The unit will run and cool fine all night, but when the sun comes up and the temp starts to rise above 85 or so, the breaker will trip. I can wait an hour or so, and re-set the breaker and it will start up again, but only run less than a minute before it trips it again. If I wait till the sun goes down and the temp drops it will not trip until the next morning. The system has never been tapped, so I don't know about the freon level. Anybody have a similar experience I can learn from? Thanks in advance for your help.Re: Evans Dash Air NightmareUPDATE! I ended up pulling the RV from TAG. I couldn't take getting jerked around by them any longer. I told them I had plans to go somewhere in it and needed to pick it up at the close of business on a Friday. When I showed up 15 minutes till close they had the nose piece off the RV, AC hoses dangling inside and nobody working on it. I almost lost my mind! I pulled my wrenches out of the RV and started putting it back together myself. They had someone start helping me and tried to get me to buy the $700 service part they had purchased. But when I looked at it I knew there was no way it would have fit my system. It was about 2x the size of the space I knew it had to fit. I told them I would think about it and drove off. I then had an independent diesel mechanic experienced in AC work look into it. Since TAG had opened the system, he had to replace some small components, a few o-rings and inspected everything so he could charge the system and look for a leak. He found no leak, but did find that the belt for the AC compressor was missing! He replaced the belt and air has worked like a charm since. I taped up the cracks in the plastic housing with gorilla tape and have had no issues whatsoever. (Knocking very hard on every piece of wood within reach...) I waited several weeks and then stopped back by TAG after I was sure there were no other issues or leaks. How can I say this nicely???? Well I wanted to be sure they had a full understanding of the situation and my level of dissatisfaction. I think they do. I'm actually thinking of taking them to small claims court to recover what they charged me.Re: Evans Dash Air NightmareWhen I asked the local RV dealers about working on it they all tell me they only work on the rooftop units and not the dash units, and push it off on the chassis manufacturer. This no-man's land / grey area stuff is so frustrating!Re: Evans Dash Air NightmareTAG Truck Center is a dealership that sells new and used Freightliner, Western Star... They also have parts and service departments. I thought they were nationwide, but there are local to Mo, TN, KY, ARK and MS. What is the purpose of this cover? Thoughts on using Gorilla tape to hold the cracks together?