All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Wheel simulators, tire valve extensions and other questionsjjrbus and drewe: Thanks for the tips. I googled the plastic welding online for the fix on the water tank. Looks like the better solution. Now I need to find someone that can do that work, or a minimum, the supplies to try it myself. I am doubting a "rod" of polyethylene is easy to find locally to use in the "welding." Time is running out for shipping.Re: Wheel simulators, tire valve extensions and other questionsI ordered a set of the pacific duallies. Originally only wanted the rears, but the full set shipped and arrived quicker and within my timeline to have them installed with new tires. Of course when I went and back a day or so later and looked at the rear-only option on amazon, that option now showed shipping as quick as the full set..... grr. Ordered a set of the steel valve stems from the tire shop. I tried to contact the tire-man a couple of times but as was mentioned, the phone numbers appear inactive/deactivated. We'll see how it all works out when I get them installed along with new tires. Tread is marginal after 42k miles of out-west travel.Re: Wheel simulators, tire valve extensions and other questions DrewE wrote: There are very few epoxies or other adhesives that stick well to polyethylene, which is the (translucent) plastic most RV water tanks are made from. Fittings are generally welded in place at the factory, from what I understand. If enough of the cracked fitting is attached and it's big enough, perhaps you could drill it out and tap it and thread in a nipple or something. That has been my concern: finding the right adhesive/epoxy. The plastic used on the water tanks definitely seemed like a type that would be hard to find something compatable with it.Re: Wheel simulators, tire valve extensions and other questionsThanks for the replies so far. I appreciate it.Wheel simulators, tire valve extensions and other questionsHi all, Lost both of our rear-wheel simulators last summer on a trip. They held on fine for the 3 summers prior but I am guessing they could not grip as well any more. They were the cheap kind that used spikes to gouge into the metal on the inside of the rim to stay in place. I had even just paid someone to re-rivet the center hub sections in place as some of the original cheap/inadequate rivets had given out on one of them and it was flopping around. Grrr... -Anybody have a recommendation on some wheel simulators that are kept in place by an alternative method such as by a lug nut or something? I am not looking to spend a lot of money on these, they don't have to be the best and brightest so-to-speak. If nothing else, a good source/price for the original type of simulators (gouging kind). The rims are already all scratched/gouged up at this point anyway. -Current recommendations on the best metal valve extensions that don't use braided hose etc.? Previous searches talked about the ones supplied by the "tire man" at this link: tire-man Any other sources/recommendations/experiences on those? -Plastic safe and more importantly food grade JB Weld-type of product. My water tank leaks at the fill port. The plastic "nipple" attatched to the tank that the fill hose screws into is coming separated at the bottom. Has a small hole/crack. I cannot fill the tank all the way and it leaks while filling. I am probably leaving 15 or more gallons behind due to the need to leave the level so much lower than the fill port due to sloshing while driving. Not good for someone that likes to go places with no hookups. -Tires: I would ask about recommendations on those for our class C but there are a lot of threads here to go through...guess I will wade in. Thanks all. Appreciate it.Re: Battery & electrical questions2018 Coachmen 21QB on Chevy 4500 owner here. This is what applies to my unit: coolmom42 wrote: I have a 2014 Coachmen 21QB on a Chevy 4500 chassis, with an Onan 4KW generator. *Does the generator have its own starting battery? If so, how is this battery charged? Or does the generator crank off the chassis battery? (I'm assuming it doesn't crank off the house battery, as that would kind of defeat the point of having a generator.) No the gen. does not have it's own battery. It uses the house battery(s)to start. If you see a battery under the chassis most likely mounted on the left-side frame rail somewhat near the generator, that is a GM option called "isolated 2nd battery." I've posted on it before in this forum. *Does the generator charge the chassis battery? No. *Does the chassis alternator charge the house battery? If so, how well? Yes. It does it so well that if the house batteries are already or mostly fully charged, on long drives (I drive 10-12+hours some days) I will disconnect the charge function (solenoid) from the chassis alternator as to not over-charge the batts. My alternator puts out 14+ volts much of the time. The GM chassis with the rv package (which coachmen usually seems to have) have a higher amperage alternator as well. *Does the battery isolator switch completely isolate the house battery and chassis battery from each other? I don't have a battery isolator switch between house and chassis batteries. If by chance you meant the house battery disconnect (off) rotary switch, the alternator will still charge the house batteries with that switch off. *Does the converter charge the chassis battery when the RV is plugged into shore power? No. *On the side of the engine compartment, there is a 200 amp fuse. What is this for? Do not know. I do not recall seeing a 200amp fuse, not sure if I have one. That's a pretty hefty fuse. Re: Is it a battery and what I think is for? BruceMc wrote: Good information, Newbiecampers! I have the Chevy 4500 chassis under our 2016 2250 Sunseeker, and have been under it a number of times. I don't have that aux battery (fortunately?). Hmmm, not sure if the Sunseeker branch did not order their bare Chevy chassis with the RV package, or if your's is prior to the extra battery becoming an option that came with the RV package, or....? I am glad I have that battery. I dry-camp/boondock/camp without hookups almost exclusively, and I have been using that battery almost like another house-battery system in conjunction with my smaller inverter to charge numerous things, run the tv and dvd player etc..Re: Is it a battery and what I think is for? pnichols wrote: One of my concerns about a battery mounted in that place is - how are you going to maintain it's water level and periodically clean corrosion from it's terminals? And just as importantly - how are you going to ever remove it and lift another one up in there to replace it? Being mounted there almost dictates that it be an AGM battery so no servicing is required ... but AGM batteries are just as heavy at replacement time. I wonder if this is similar to the setup that (Chevy?) used to mount this additional battery?: See my previous post. And to service the water, you would basically need to use a mirror to see the top of the battery. There is not enough head room to sit up under there and see the top of the battery. Hence the reason I haven't touched it in three years.... ha ha. I'll have the Chevy dealship deal with it when I have the camper in on their hoist for my every now-and-then dealership oil change.Re: Is it a battery and what I think is for? specware2020 wrote: Given the battery's deadweight and its awkward location, I am afraid that servicing or replacing it may not be a pleasant choreā¦ Man-o-man you are not kidding. Mine is leaking a little fluid lately, and I am guessing it may need replacement soon, but it would not be a DIY job for my skinny-little self. You would have to be under the chassis on the ground on your back, lift the old battery out and support it down to the ground, then lift the new battery up like you were bench-pressing weights into it's mount on the frame. No thank you. Although I suppose I could try to use my floor jack if it extends high enough. I think I will just have it up on a hoist at a local Chevy dealership that can handle larger vehicles to get it done.Re: Is it a battery and what I think is for?Just went to look back through my old posts to find the one where I previously talked about this option and all my old posts are gone......??
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