All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Getting Fuel ?Thanks - for all the good advice. Never pulled the fiver very far since we've owned it.....didn't want to get caught with low or no fuel. I'll have the wife put gas buddy in her phone.Getting Fuel ?Taking off on first extended trip. If we use a Pilot (or other big truck stop) gas station for diesel, is there a certain pump area we should use? Should we use the one the semi's are in? We have a 34ft Cougar fiver with a 5 foot scooter extension.Re: Keystone Cougar (2010) Cable ?Thanks - then that one is "broke". TV won't pick up any digital stations. I'm guessing that trying to find where this "tees" to the main is going to be impossible. UPDATE: I found a booster in the does that work? Does it need to be on for the basement connection to work?. There is a coax loop right now (both connectors connected to each other) does that stay that way?Keystone Cougar (2010) Cable ?New trailer for us (3326 MKS). I see that we have a satellite hookup on the side of the trailer where the the fresh water wash down is. On the other side in the basement there is a 110v power plug and a coax connection. Is that to hook an outside TV, or is that where I would hook up campground cable if they have it (sure didn't work when we tried to hook a TV to it).Re: Help me Understand my Dometic Dual FrigIf that slow (day or so to get cold) is normal - then I guess it is working ok. Here is the real issue (we're newbies so please bear with me), it makes no since to me that that we can run on propane and get the frig cold to go to the campsite. We then switch to electric mode, and then we have to wait a day for the electric to "catch up" to cool?? Our food will spoil by then. I would think the electric would just take over from the propane and keep cooling? Ours seems to start the lengthy cooling process all over again. How do you guys/gals keep the food from going bad? .Help me Understand my Dometic Dual Frig5 year old Dometic 2862 (A/C n /LP). If the unit works fine (freezer/frig) on LP then the cooling unit or thermister cannot be bad because these are used by the 12V LP system too - correct? There must be an issue elsewhere? I have checked 120V power to the heater from the board and it is there and element ohmed fine and is hot. Fuses are good. Cooling fan is running. Trailer is level. Power is stable. Freezer is cold, frig/fins are not cooling at all. Black tubes on back of frig are very warm..but not hand burning hot.Re: Thermister QuestionChecked fuses behind black cover (all three good). Had 44.7 ohms to heater element. From what I saw on youtube that was in specs? Did not check camp power...We're newbies so it never occurred to us that we could be running at undervoltage since A/C cooled fine. I guess next step is to get it to A/C power so I can see if I have 120V from the board to the element. Beginning to think we didn't give it long enough on A/C..we had it cooled 2 days on gas before we left and switched to a/c once at campground and noticed that it (main box), freezer was fine) was getting warmer with condensation on fins rather then colder after an hour or so of running - so we switched back to gas.Thermister QuestionBought a 2010 Cougar with Dometic 2662 frig. Took it out this weekend and found that the frig would not get cold on A/C, the freezer worked fine. On gas both worked good. With those symptoms could the thermister still be bad or does it work with both gas and A/C? Added: We had the unit cooling for 2 days on gas before we left and left it running until we got the a/c hookup at camp.Rear Wheel Tracking ?Not owned a fifth wheel before - have a 2010 34ft Cougar. Noticed today when pulling out of the driveway the wheels on the rear axle tilt out and don't track with the front. Tried this several times in tight left and right turns and could see both rear wheels flexing one way or another depending on turn. Going down the road they track straight and tire wear is even. Is this normal with a twin axle or do I have a problem?? U-bolts are new and tight. Springs look good.Re: Satellite and Extended CampingLots of learning to do - didn't know there were restrictions on wifi. We'll check with DISH or Direct and see what they can offer. One of the question becomes, do you want to be able to record things on a DVR? Once that question is answered then the other question may be solved. Nope - don't need to record.
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RV Newbies We all start out new. Share lessons learned or first-time questions!Jun 15, 20174,026 Posts