All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: TIRESIf i could give an opinion, whats the complete size, I took the factory goodyears off after i had two different blowouts within two months and only 19,000 miles on it. I have managed a les schwab here in wa, state. Age is a factor and quality of the tire. Spend a bit of money, get a good brand, do all the same, not two different in front from rear. Contrary to popular belief, you can rotate modern tires and change direction with no problems, for example, the two fronts to the right rear, then the fronts again to the left rear, straight back and to the front, which helps equal wear and longevity. Buy the highest load rating available in your size and if it’s more than the factory load rating, you may adjust air psi, usually a bit higher depending on tread, the higher load rating helps the tire USUALLY not flex as much and helps keep it in a sense cooler, not working or flexing as hard. The more the tire flexes or works, the warmer it gets and can affect life. And remember to ask the place you buy them, especially if its a size they dont go through a lot of, to look at the D.O.T. Number on the side. They might of been sitting around for a few years or more, check when they are off the production line and get fresh ones. I put toyos on my coach, they ride nice and are a good top of the line product in my opinion.Re: Itasca electrical issueAnyone in western wa north of seattle with recomendations of agood repair shop that works on rv electrical gremlins? Any help appreciated, thanks!Re: Itasca electrical issueThank you for your input. I was thinking ground as well, but my problem is we all are good at some thing, and electrical stuff i am not. I will start looking i guess to the best of my abillity which isnt saying much, and see what i can find. Thank you again, RyanItasca electrical issueI need help or advice. 2007 ittasca sunova 29’. My coach has an electrical issue. I turn my headlights on, the light green ilumination background comes on and so does the guage arms which turn red{ford chassis}. All looks fine, then while i’m driving, the red guage arm go out, but the green bacground stays on. This happens sometimes i restarrt and go, or every time. I have also had tthe back-uo camera come on, on its oown while this happens, and the turn signal cameras as well, and back and forth between the side and rear camera. Yet it doesnt do it all the time. I have had it at a very respectfull and large rv dealer/repair shop, and they cant get it to do it. I even picked it up to take it home, made it two blocks and turned around and went back because it did it right away, service manager came out, got a picture and visually saw it, so they kept it. And went to work on it again when they could and it hasnt done it at all. I’m not on drugs or drinking, and i never believed in gremlins, but starting to wonder. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,,, Ryan