All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Breakdown Informationcwdavis... I know this too late to do you any good, but you could have stopped the leak if you could have seen the hole. just take a bar of soap, any kind and rub it into the hole it,ll stop the leak for hours and even while going down the highway, we used to use this method to seal off leaks in our gasoline tankers that would develop a leak to get us safely off the highway and unloaded before repairing it, I hope someone can benifit from this as that is a miserable and dangerous position to be caught in, you could have been injured very bad if the product runs over and gasoline is even a worse fire hasard and while fighting the leak you get wet from it and it,ll burn your skin just from being wet. This is not a repair but it could by you some time to find the right repairs with out having to let some one that knows you are in a bind and charge 3 prices....Haaapppy Holidays....Re: Diesel vs gas......................I don't know any one who likes the smell of diesel fuel and the fumes from diesels,how many times do you go into stations that handle diesel fuel and have to walk threw a mess some has made filling there diesel tank, I drove diesels and repaired them for over 35 years, now that I retired I wouldn,t own one, they are the fair weather machine, when it gets really nasty They fail, they break down in the winter more than any other time, they can break the average person trying to buy fuel, you don,t dare shut them off when it gets 10 degrees or less or they won,t start, I know you aren't going that far north, but s___ hapens beyond our control. I would like some of you hi mpg get that milage in very cold weather, and you guys with the trucks pulling trailers get used to the dark stuff (exhaust smoke ) getting into your campers, if you think about it you can smell it, after 5 or 6 years the DP start to turn dark and smell bad.I hope you never get a fuel leak, then it really gets bad, you don't know what it's like to blow a turbo, if you don,t get it turned off you start burning oil as it pumps into your exhaust and you can't limp it very far or you will ruin your bearings in you engine then you really got problems, I don't want to scare you but these are just a few, I could write for a week about the problems that the diesels have and the problems you will have, this time of year be sure and ck your antifreeze and while your are at be sure and change your water filters and if it don't have one be sure to put that water additive to your radiator the companys that make diesels don't stress this but if you don't use it the antfreeze will eat a hole threw your piston liners in time,it's called electrolisis (spelled wrong)any way they will rust and make small holes in the pistons and antifreeze will get in your oil and if you keep going ruin your engine, it has happened to a lot of diesels, I 'm going to quit for tonite, I'll tell you some of the worse points tomorow.Re: Breakdown InformationBADEYE:::: AFTER READING ABOUT THE 1ST 10 PAGES OF YOUR POST I'VE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT:: If I stay away from DP's GM's And Workhorse chasis and get a v-10 and not drive it in the rain I can get rid of my break-down Insurance,I check all the tires every time I start a trip also ck the oil for leaks and any wet spots under camper, also don't run tires over 5 years old they usually take out $1200 worth of fender well when they blow out Your post is worth it's weight in gold if your readers are smart, we all know they are because they are campers,"Just a little food for thought"
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