We have had a offer for. Guard One a Services for gateguarding has anyone worked for guard 1 Services as gate guards. Good? Bad. Pro. Cons? Things to watch or hints to make things go a bit smoother?
We have been fulltiming for 4 years now and have a satellite dish and dish on the go. We can't get our local football games when we travel and miss them. We don't want to switch to Direct Tv and pay through the nose for a bunch of channels we don't n...
We have been looking at doing th gate guard thing for a few years and I have been reading lots of posts( I have heard there are opportunities for gate guards in the dakotas but never see any posts, has anyone hear had any experience in the dakotas
We currently have dish and just got the red zone pack with the promise that we could watch our packer football games no matter where we were. We found out last night that isn't the case and in fact most of the games won't be aired and no they are not...
We are thinking about Leavng Wi and going to Niagara Falls and Arcadia National Park via the Trans Canadian Hwy 69. Has anyone traveled this way? How is the road? Cost of gas? And scenery? Places to camp along the way?