All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsSliding WindowsDoes anyone know of a lubricant to use on the track of sliding windows? If I open them to far, they are very hard to close. The track is plastic.Re: Replacing older mirrorAlso got clipped by semi. found replacement on Amazon for less than $300.00TransmissionI have a 1999 PaceArrow class A motorhome. There is a hose that came loose coming from the top of the transmission. Can anyone tell me where the other end goes. The hose is about 2 feet long. Thanks.Re: Power Gear Leveling Jacks LeakingTry spraying silicone spray on the cylinders. You may have to do this several times. All I can say is it worked on the jacks on my 1999 Pace Arrow.Ford V-10 plug problemsIf a spark plug on a older v-10 blows out of the head, can it be driven to a repair shop or does it have to be towed I was told if you can stand the noise it can be driven. Want 2nd opinion.RV Electrical problemI have a 1999 Pace Arrow MH. At times the alt. will not charge the house batteries. I installed a knife switch on the engine battery for storage. With the knife switch open, at times I get 12 volts on the cold side of the switch. I'm getting a feedback from somewhere. Could these problems be related? Any suggestions.