since ‎Jan-18-2014

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I received an e mail from the camping director at Scusset Beach on Cape Cod bay,Informing me that there is going to be a major electrical renovation at this facility, and the opening will be delayed until sometime after Memorial Day!I hope that anyon...
I just got an e mail from Harbor Freight, letting me know about a huge compressor sale!The 3 gal 100 psi pancake is on sale for 50.00.I carry this one in my Greyhawk, and it's greatHappy New Year, fellow campers, from Buffalo, NY
Of the folks out there that have used Smart Tiles or those mosaic stick ons behind the sink backsplash area in an RV, do they stick well? Do they stay up in the extremes of temperatures? I would like to upgrade our kitchen area by sanding the vinyl w...