To Curly2001:You were asking about rewiring your Power Pro3500. I have one, and rewired according to posts on this thread. See pic:This schematic was created by another member of the forum. These reconnections were all done down at the generator he...
Could you guys who have rewired the generator for full power let me know what voltage you have between neutral and ground with load and no load. I know that usually the neutral and ground lugs are connected together in a house panel, but I am a littl...
I forgot to comment on dubman's breaker question..... When you have a 220v circuit, you use both legs of 110v to power a device, and if that device needs 30amps to operate, it has to have 30amp flow trough both legs due to the fact that the legs are ...
Little BillI'm not sure about the elim. Usually when you have a 220v supply with only 3 wires, you have 2 110v wires and one ground wire. The reason this can work is that the two 110v legs are out of phase with each other and so they a pus...
Regarding the 220 outlet on my Power pro generator.....When you use an adapter like the 50 amp to 30 are only using one of the phases of the 220volts. A 220 volt supply has two hot legs(phases) and they are each 110volts(may be 120volts de...