We made a mistake, not liking RVing. Made another mistake, bought brand new. Don't want to go bigger. Now trying to sell it & running into scammers. I made signs to put in the window. Posted it on Craigslist. No contact from buyers. Someone co...
We just got back from Snowbirding on St. Patrick's Day. Our last leg of the trip should have been 4 hours from Jackpot, NV to Boise. Unfortunately, we did not know that we were heading into a horrible wind storm. It was 70 when we got there & the ...
Has anyone out there switched from a Class C to a 5th wheel? We bought our 1st RV & made the mistake of buying one too small. Guess it's a common one but don't want to lose a lot more money. Went with a NEW 30' C & tow a small car. On 2nd year ...
This is our Second snow bird season. Last year stayed 4 mos in Gold Canyon, AZ. First time ever in new RV. This year we have reservations for a different resort in Mesa for Nov, Dec, Jan. Haven't made plans for Feb & March yet & I'm getting a lit...
Thanks everyone for response. Will try RV Trader. Someone said we were selling it for $5000 less than a new one & I never mentioned how much we're selling it for. We know we're taking a hit. Put $30,000 down & just want to stem the flow of pymts ...
Thank you for answering. We don't have an iPhone & didn't always have internet on our trip. I bought an iPad on the trip and later found out you can pay $15/mo to have service away from home but now that we ARE home I can use our regular wifi for e...
We did 'change out'. Had the hard, uncomfortable sofa taken out at an 'RV Furniture Store'. We bought two recliners there but the guy just basically threw them in, tossed our old sofa. The recliners are so high off the ground that I have to get on...
And you're all right, stairs in 5th Wh could be a problem. I'm 5'2" & chunky. Just looking at 5th Wh's at the lot recently wore me out. KNOW I need to lose weight. Also, I have 3 stepstools along in our C. All different sizes. Dogs are elderly ...
Thanks all. I liked itaylor1920's comment best… We are from WA, currently live in ID. Wouldn't put pets in back of 5th wheel while traveling. We're not THAT dumb. ha ha We are currently snowbirding for almost 5 mos & it is c-r-a-m-p-e-d. Know ...