All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsWayfarerWe are going to order a Wayfarer in December. Looking for recommendations for dealers. We have bought long distance in the past and it saves lots of money. If you had a good experience with any dealer please let us knowTiffin dealer recommendationWe are going to order a Tiffin Wayfarer next month. Looking for comments on best dealers to work with East of the MississippiRe: How good is the Wayfarer?Very low payload on the Wayfarer, almost impossible not to overloadCamping World Internet BullyThis topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 28159687Camping World Internet BullyWhat does one have to do to get unsubscribed from your barrage of camping world emails? I have unsubscribed numerous times and they still keep coming! Please let us alone!Rotten ServiceWhat does one have to do to get unsubscribed from your barrage of camping world emails? I have unsubscribed numerous times and they still keep coming! Please let us alone!Re: Residual water in black water tankAlways amazed with folks who waste water (and labor) flushing out a black tank by filling it with fresh water and rinsing. Dump it, put a bowl full of water or so and chemicals if you use them and go on your way. A little residual in there is not going to hurt a thing. I mean really, you are not going to get it clean enough to drink so why jump through the hoop?Re: Biodiesel being usedMercedes diesels can void warranty if over 5% bio is used, I don't take the Via to truck stops anymoreRe: Unbelievable price differencessome reason we can't know the identity of the dealers?Honda CRVAny suggestions on where to post our 2010 CRV with Blue Ox tow setup? Was going to trade it in but dealer lowballed and wanted tow plate removed,