New To Whole RV Life, Looking For Info & Recommendations
I need to buy "all the things!" I have little 4 cylinder minivan and CRV, so will be selling my minivan to purchase some type of truck. I have dreams of taking mountain bikes, kayaks, and ATVs, and just living a nomad life for several months a year. Job is 100% remote, but requires a large-ish desk (2 large monitors), and will need to get a good internet provider (likely satellite). But for a 5th wheel/toy hauler, I have NO concept of the type of truck I will need. When I look at new Ford Superduties, the price has me gnashing my teeth. 1) What are your recommendations for a reliable used truck for hauling a 5th wheel/toy hauler over mountain passes, through death valley, etc. Last thing I want is to over heat/break down/lose breaks, etc. I am not very mechanically inclined, but willing to learn. 2) Are there any brands of 5th wheels/toy haulers I should avoid due to quality issues, or finding mechanics and/or parts issues?2.8KViews1like12CommentsHeartland Fuel vs. Cruiser Stryker
It is my understanding that Heartland RVs acquired Cruiser a few years ago. The wife and I are considering a smaller rig and in our search, we came across these two lines. Except for paint scheme, these units are identical. Since one is owned by the other, anyone know if they are actually built on the same assembly line? I know the Fuel is built specifically for Camping World but other than that, is there any difference? Frank5.8KViews1like7CommentsHelp with Solar install for 2016 Rage'n?
My Trailer is prewired for solar but I can't figure out where the wires terminate. My hypothesis is that it's the 3 wires with ring terminals hanging down from the front of the bumper-pull hauler near the battery? If so what the heck is the 3rd wire for? (Red White Black). That location does not make sense to me though, because you wouldn't want the controller exposed to the elements... I'm thinking about this kit as some friends are using it and have not had any issues. do y'all use your Golf Carts?
Besides the Golf Course! We have a limo Golf cart we bought new in 2014, but no longer attend the events we bought the GC for. What do Yall do with your Gcs? Especially interested in the National and State Parks, but please report any other uses that you have found for your GC while camping. Muchas in advance!6.2KViews1like27CommentsShortest/Lightest 5th wheel toyhauler with separate garage
Looking to make the upgrade into a toyhauler. My wife really wants the garage separated from the rest of the living space. I only haul a couple dirtbikes and some kid stuff so I don't need a huge garage. I really don't want to get a new truck too so I am wondering what the shortest and lightest 5th wheel is that meet these specs? It seems like the only ones I can find are 35'+ and 11K dry. Thanks in advance!!17KViews1like14Comments2005 weekend warrior fs2600 frame repairs
i know there is a sticky about this lawsuit, but that has came and gone,..i recently baught a 2005 ww fs2600 toyhauler that has not had the work done to it,..but ive noticed some slight movement in the front panel,..curious if someone could post up some pics of the welding work allready done to their trailer to help give me an idea of what needs to be done thanks in advance18KViews1like12Comments