MDKMDK wrote:
One more thing comes to mind. If you're only going to use 2 6V batteries connected in series to get the 12V to power your systems, keep in mind that if one cell in either battery fails, it takes the whole battery bank down. There is no redundancy, like there is if you use 2 12V batteries in parallel. You might sacrifice some aH going with 2 12V batteries, but if one cell fails in one battery, you may still have one working. Food for thought?
Very often, if a cell in a pair of paralleled 12V batteries fails shorted, the rather extreme imbalance between the batteries (one a 10V and one a 12V) makes them both fail anyhow. I have no hard data, but I suspect in practice the two 6V's are more reliable overall than the parallel 12V's, especially if the 12V's are dual purpose batteries rather than actual deep cycle batteries as golf cart batteries are.