Forum Discussion

oldtrojan66's avatar
Nov 29, 2013

Any bad stretches near you?

I got this idea from a questioning post for I-59. I was just thinking if we could post any know road condition issues near us, we might beat the trip planning people in getting up to date information.
I have two regarding I-70 in Indiana; east and west bound between Ohio line and Centerville, Indiana has holes randomly on the outside of left lanes. Especially hard to see in the rain and at night. \
Also, I-70 near the east side of Indianapolis has been under some kind of construction for about ten years it seems. Not so rough, but very narrow lanes sometimes. Just keep your pants on and be careful.
  • You mentioned the roads around Indianapolis. May I add that if you're traveling 465 on the East side of Indianapolis, and if you're towing a trailer, you're going to get bucked around like a mad bull in a Mexican Bull fight! If you're not towing, you don't notice it. But when towing it's the most horrible road I've been on in a while.

    You mentioned I-70 East of Indianapolis. Here again, from Indianapolis to Ohio is horrible for the same reason. I quite driving this stretch and started taking secondary highways and even county roads. Many county roads are smoother than I-70.

    And then when you get close to Richmond ... OH MY GOSH! Just get off I-70 anywhere and take back roads, unless you enjoy having the******literally shook out of you, your camper, and everything you've got! There again, when not towing, you don't notice it.

    I-65 South of Indianapolis is horrible also for the same reason. No kidding ... in Indiana, I've started avoiding all interstates ... everywhere when towing. I don't enjoy riding raging bulls bucking and kicking the stuffings out of me!
  • oldtrojan66 wrote:
    Update from I-70. Westbound from Richmond to Centerville is much better. They have done some pretty major repairs including some in concrete. The patches of asphalt are still above grade somewhat, so not smooth, but improved.

    X2, still a little rough but you won't lose a wheel now. And yes it was bad enough that there were daily issues with blown tires and people losing wheels.

    Oldtrojan66, I assume from NCastle?
  • I90 from Chicago to Janesville Wi Is all construction and some parts one lane.just a nightmare as always though
  • Update from I-70. Westbound from Richmond to Centerville is much better. They have done some pretty major repairs including some in concrete. The patches of asphalt are still above grade somewhat, so not smooth, but improved.
  • RAS43's avatar
    Explorer III
    I25 through Colorado Springs, CO. Over the last 10 years the road has been widened and rebuilt including new bridges. I just wish that they could build a bridge that is level with the approaches so there isn't a bump or heave. It is rough driving thru with our trailer in tow.
  • NE Wisconsin

    Generally SNOW covered and slippery between now and the end of March!:E:B

  • I-65 between US-50 and Louisville has construction zones. About time, it was getting real bad.