I have friend that manufactured electronic equipment for the movie industry, call it a cottage industry and he had another firm manufacture the cirquit boards.
The cirquit boards were cleaned at the end run with thinner, the State of California and the EPA dictated that he had to do two things to continue manufacturing:
1. Install a capture hood with a squirrel cage fan to capture the evaporated thinner, the condensed thinner was to be dumped in the drain.
2. When the thinner was to be removed and recycled he had to have the same amount going out as was originally placed in the cleanning machine.
The squrrel cage fan would go out about every other month and needed replacing since all the sealed bearings now where shot from being "washed" with the thiner, he could not install the driving motor outside and have onlly the fan in the capture hood, the inspector would not allow it at all.
The thinner was purchased in 5 gallon drums and when it was time to recycle
the thinner he would pick up a can of thinner at Home Depot to add to the thinner comming from the cleaning machine to make up for the evaporation.
He finnaly gave up and moved the operation to Tijuana and today he has a bigger factory than before since he is now manufacturing for some of the bigg maquiladoras in Tijuana.
When ower governments strangle the industy by implementing laws that can not be modified at all and only the big corporations can aford the lobbiests to get the law makers to change the laws to suit the big industy, you are going to have Mexico, China, India, and all other nations getting the industy's that will not enter the USA, Europe is a little better at keeping manufacturing in Europe but not by much.
Anything manufactured in Canada, United States and Mexico is considered North America. there are some manufacturing companies that are bringing theire products back to be built in the USA, and that is good, not all can be manufactuired here any more, regulations and restrictive laws will continue to drive manufacturing away, specially in the state of California.