Forum Discussion

Rug's avatar
Explorer II
May 13, 2013

AZ 89 closed?

Does anyone know just where AZ 89 is closed?

Best way to get to Page AZ from Flagstaff.

Also would like to go from Page down to the North rim of Grand Canyon.
  • rv2go wrote:
    The slide occurred on Feb. 20, almost 3 months ago. From what I read, the Tribe really does not want Tribal 20 paved. They have agreed to grade it more often.

    Where did you read that? According to the ADOT page, they just got federal money for repairs, some of which is to go toward paving 20.

    http wrote:
    The federal aid will also be used to upgrade Navajo Route 20, which is mostly a dirt road between Bodaway-Gap and LeChee that runs parallel to US 89 and is used by local residents. By paving N20, the road would serve as the interim detour route (US 89T) until repairs are finished on US 89 and would substantially reduce travel time for motorists heading to and from Page. Work is expected to begin later this month.
    May 8 news release

    Navajodot press release on paving N20, May 1
  • The slide occurred on Feb. 20, almost 3 months ago. From what I read, the Tribe really does not want Tribal 20 paved. They have agreed to grade it more often.
  • According to the AZ webpage, they are going to pave Tribal 20 so it can serve as a shorter detour. Till that is completed (a couple of months?), take 160 and 98 to/from Page, or US89A (if you don't have to go through Page). Businesses along US89A would love to have your visit.
  • Tribal road 20 is a gravel road from The Gap to just north of Cooper Mine, about 28 miles. Then paved till it meets 98, about 25 miles.
    The shorter route to the north rim from Page would be 89 to Fredonia then 89A to Jacob Lake.
  • Closure is just North of Bitter Springs.

    Flag to Page
    Take 160 through Tuba City to 98, then North to Page.
    You can take Tribal-20 but expect more dirt than asphalt, unknown conditions. If I had to choose between the two, I would go through Tuba. I would NOT do 20 in a motorhome or pulling a trailer.

    You could also go from Flag directly to the North Rim/Jacob Lake and not go through Page.
  • Rug's avatar
    Explorer II

    Looks like travel around there is going to be just a few more miles to get around this landslide.

    What about going 98 up to tribal road 20 to get to Page from Flagstaff.
    Is 160 over to 98 the only way around the landslide.