rv2go wrote:
The slide occurred on Feb. 20, almost 3 months ago. From what I read, the Tribe really does not want Tribal 20 paved. They have agreed to grade it more often.
Where did you read that? According to the ADOT page, they just got federal money for repairs, some of which is to go toward paving 20.
http wrote:
The federal aid will also be used to upgrade Navajo Route 20, which is mostly a dirt road between Bodaway-Gap and LeChee that runs parallel to US 89 and is used by local residents. By paving N20, the road would serve as the interim detour route (US 89T) until repairs are finished on US 89 and would substantially reduce travel time for motorists heading to and from Page. Work is expected to begin later this month.
May 8 news release
Navajodot press release on paving N20, May 1