Forum Discussion

TECMike's avatar
Nov 02, 2016

Been Beat To Death Through Shreveport, Lousisana

Anyone got a good route through or around Shreveport from Longview, Texas to Jackson, Missippi? We have been beat to death on I-20 going through Shreveport and even on the loop.

Sure would appreciate some information for a smoother route.
  • not that won't take you 80 miles out of the way. We usually take US84 east and west through Natchez MS. We stay at the Riverview RV Park in Vidalia, LA.
  • TECMike wrote:
    Anyone got a good route through or around Shreveport from Longview, Texas to Jackson, Missippi? We have been beat to death on I-20 going through Shreveport and even on the loop.

    Sure would appreciate some information for a smoother route.

    On our trip down to the Tobasco place we found LA roads to be some of the worst we've seen anywhere.
  • Shreveport I-20 was so horrible I found myself slowing to 45mph. No other city in the 12000 miles towed across 15 states this year was even close to that bad. If you dont agree then perhaps you need to get out of LA more often!