Forum Discussion

Feb 21, 2015

Best route central Oregon to Reno

40' DP with TOAD. looking at early June with lotsa time. Will be eventually be returning to Western Washington, probably via I5.
  • profdant139 wrote:
    We took 97 to Klamath Falls, and then Calif 139 through Adin past Eagle Lake to Susanville and hooked up with 395. Scenic, a bit twisty, but not at all difficult. Great sandwiches at the general store in Adin.

    I don't think that route is any faster than 395 all the way, and might be slower. The roads were empty, though!!

    There is even another variation to your route and it bypasses Adin. And it goes through Lookout near Bieber. I normally won't recommend this route because the road is a bit narrower than most state highways but we use it and for us it is a scenic route and quicker from Klamath Falls to Reno, IMHO.
  • We took 97 to Klamath Falls, and then Calif 139 through Adin past Eagle Lake to Susanville and hooked up with 395. Scenic, a bit twisty, but not at all difficult. Great sandwiches at the general store in Adin.

    I don't think that route is any faster than 395 all the way, and might be slower. The roads were empty, though!!
  • enblethen wrote:
    I would go east on US 20 then south on US 395.
    Another option would be south on US 97, then OR 139 to CA 299 to US 395

  • The other option is 97 south to K Falls, head SE to Alturis and 395 into Reno.
  • Assuming that you are departing from the Bend area, the least complicated route is US97 to Hwy 31 (at La Pine). Turn onto Hwy 31 and follow that until it merges with US395 north of Lakeview. Follow 395 all the way to Reno. Good road, and the Oregon Outback is worth the view. I've driven it and towed over it many times.
  • We have a couple of routes we like.

    From Eugene, we would take I-5, 89, 44, 36, and 395

    From Bend, we would take 97, 139, 299, and 395
  • I have done the US97, OR39/CA139, CA299, US395 route a few times, it's a good way to go.
  • Central Oregon - as in Eugene or Bend or Burns?

    From Engene, a straight forward route is I5 to Shasta, CA89 SW to US395 (maybe a connector jog on 44 around Susanville).

    From further east, US395 all the way.

    As for 'best' - that depends on your requirements. I don't think any of the highways are difficult.
  • I would go east on US 20 then south on US 395.
    Another option would be south on US 97, then OR 139 to CA 299 to US 395